by Kris Brandt Riske MA
I'll admit that I approached this book with some healthy scepticism. I'm interested in astrology and we all know the sun and especially the moon have gravitational effects that affect the weather, but predicting weather through astrology? I decided to see what the author had to say.
The book begins with a few words about weather prediction in general and the limitations that meteorologists face in predicting events beyond the scope of a few days. She then goes on to claim that Astrometeorology can predict long range weather trends and which planets affect different aspects of the weather.
Some of the astrological jargon gets a little hard to keep up with at this point, but it's only the introduction so I press on to chapter one.
Chapter one launches right into technical information about what charts are to be cast for a location in order to predict the weather. This part will be easier for those already familiar with astrological chart calculations. The different purposes of solar and lunar charts are fully explained, though I had to look up what an ingress chart is. The significance of transiting aspects is also explained clearly.
In further chapters we learn about interpreting planetary positions and aspects and combinations of astro data. Many examples are given of retrospective national & local predictions and what astrological influences were in place at the time.
I have to admit that much of it is over my head, but for a practicing astrologer it should make perfect sense. I'm not going to make a judgement whether I believe that weather can be predicted with Astrology, but will rate the book highly for being clearly written and explaining the process in detail.
Do planets effect the movements of wind as they do the tides of the oceans? I will be taking note of planetary positions during future significant weather conditions. The fact that we've been having an unusually hot Summer as I read this book, just when Mars is conjunct the Sun, hasn't escaped my notice.
Most of the examples of notable weather phenomena in recent years and the planetary influences are US based, but still make good examples for readers in other countries. They include conditions during the drought in the 1930s that turned Oklahoma into a dust bowl and long range weather patterns are figured in.
There are quite a lot of examples of droughts, floods and extreme temperatures in the past and the planetary positions that indicate the potential of these conditions. There are a couple of near future weather predictions that a reader could observe within a few years of buying the book, but I would have liked to have seen more of these and will have to wait until 2018-9 to see if they pan out.
Example forecasts are gives and step by step instructions for how to chart predictions. I'm not sure my limited astrological knowledge is enough to make best use of the information, but I would be very interested to see if an experienced astrologer could make accurate predictions based on the information.
Overall an interesting and well laid out book that is as clear as a book that must include technical information could possibly be.