David Gets in Trouble, written by David Shannon, is another silly book about David. David is getting in trouble yet again and he comes up with different excuses for his bad behavior. I can use this book in my classroom to teach about the different types of sentences (command, question, exclamatory and simple) and punctuation (period, question mark and exclamation mark). We as a class can go through each sentence and determine what type of sentence it is and identify the punctuation.
5 stars
Lexile BR160L
My ratings don't set out to be objective, critical reflections of the book I've read, so upfront, this rating reflects the disparity between myself and the book's primary demographic. I'm too young as yet to really appreciate what this series offers.
Mikki is a 60-something recent widow who pulls up stakes and moves back to her hometown in the Catskills area of New York. Her life is taken up with worries about living on her retirement income while renovating a house; she has hearing aids in both ears, and her closest friend is frequently crippled by her arthritis. This last bit was really the only part I was able to identify with, as my bff has battled psoriatic rheumatism for 3/5ths of her life, and my husband has just been diagnosed with a rarer form of rheumatism in spite of being a sprightly early-forty-something (sorry, that's not coyness; I just don't remember exactly how old he is). Mikki's friend in the book appears to even be on the same medications.
So given this connection, it's not the infirmities that left me feeling too young for this book, but rather the mindset. I don't know if it's always been thus, but at some point each person becomes aware they are 'old' by societal standards. Reactions differ of course, but the one Mikki seems to adopt is a subtle loss of confidence and self-worth. She doesn't quail externally, but her internal dialogue is liberally peppered with retreat, an assumption she won't be believed because of her age, a pervasive sense of impending weakness. This is what I don't identify with and why I failed to connect. I don't think the author set out to create a frail character in any way, but she'd definitely created Mikki to appeal to readers who can relate to those doubts, fears, and adjustments that become necessary to face as time marches on. I'm not there yet.
Unfortunately, the mystery plotting wasn't enough to overcome this for me. It was solid, but nothing spectacular or surprising. Dunnett didn't telegraph much, but her structuring of the story gives the murderer away if a reader has read a superfluous number of mysteries over the years.
Characters are generally pivotal to the plot, or secondary outliers used to fill out the story and the MC's life - it's when a writer creates a character that straddles that line that's a flag; the character that fits neither category is usually the murderer.
Overall, this is not a bad mystery; certainly not a bad first mystery. And I loved the bits about editing. She includes some quick usage rules at the back as a short appendix that is enough to make me want to hang onto my copy of the book. I finally have an easy to remember rule for hung and hanged. But I don't think I'll be continuing with the series. At least, not anytime in the foreseeable future. I still have a lot more growing up to do.
Punctuation marks are an integral feature of English language essay writing. But many students struggle to understand how they are supposed to incorporate them within their work. This problem is even more prevalent among the international students’ community because punctuation marks are a concept primarily found within European languages. Students coming from Asia and Africa are typically unfamiliar with their use and are hence unable to incorporate them effectively.
If you are looking for strategies to enhance your writing prowess, then nothing will be more useful than using punctuation marks effectively. This blog will effectively guide you on how to do precisely this. Alternatively, you can always solicit academic aid from the best essay help UK.
The comma is probably the most widely used punctuation mark; but it is also the trickiest to understand where and when to use. There is virtually an endless number of situation in which a comma can be applied; so much so that it warrants its own blog. Below are the two most delicate of circumstances surrounding the use of the comma:-
Apostrophes Vs. Quotation Marks
These are two punctuation marks whose usage is perplexing for many students who often confuse one for the other. The difference between these two is actually very simple. Internalise this information:-
Speech Marks
Another great punctuation mark tip that all students should know is that it is always best if you close quotation marks with a punctuation at the end. Case in point; “Hey, don’t go!” This rule is applicable irrespective of all and any circumstances; if you are quoting somebody’s speech then it has to end on a punctuation mark. Of course, this last suggestion isn’t suitable for all kinds of essays; only for narrative essays where you have to essentially tell a story. But it’s good to know it just in case so that you are ready for all and any type of writing challenge.
Although, to be able to conquer all writing challenges; you have to always have a plan B. Have a reliable help company’s writer standing over your shoulder, so that he or she can swoop into your assistance the moment you need their aid.
Author Bio
Harriet Sebastian has taught the English Language at universities around the world. She has been retired since 2006 but has not given up on providing students with the Best Essay Help UK. She continues to distribute her skills for all to learn via the power of the internet.