What Ami said.
Oh, and I thought it was Alaska that's the largest state. Like at least twice the size of Texas. No? I might be mistaken.
What Ami said.
Oh, and I thought it was Alaska that's the largest state. Like at least twice the size of Texas. No? I might be mistaken.
This is the case where you try not to judge a book by its cover.
For one thing, it surely is much prettier than the story.
Another, Rhys, the blond with scary anger issues, looks seriously pregnant. Explains his mood swings, right? ;) But - no, this is not mpreg and the guy is hiding something else in his shirt. Lube? Candy? Booze? Who knows.
Please, do yourself a favor before buying this book and read an excerpt on ARe.
It goes pretty much like this:
A father wakes up his son in the morning to info-dump their family history - sorry, kid, your are a bastard child; their financial situation - sorry, kid, your grandpa had gambling problems; and the business dealings - sorry, kid, I married that bitch (she made Caden miserable for 20 years) for money to keep our trade afloat, and so you can live comfortably (NOT!), and oh, by the way, you are getting married in a couple of hours, your husband is already here.
What does the son say?
“I have never disobeyed you father,” Caden’s soft voice whispered in his ear. “I will marry the prince and do my best not to shame you.”
Darn, me ? I would be looking for some serious caffeine fix and a cold shower to wake up to make sure it's not a dream. Ok, so - that bitch, who tried to murder me as a child, is not my mother, phew! Grandpapa was a gambler? He lost our family money? Now who's the bastard? And - wait! I am getting married?
"OK, father. Your screwed me royally, but I will marry the prince, because I don't want to shame you."
DNF-ed @ 40%
My problems with the book:
- Very poor discipline for a royal army. Where did they find that riffraff?
- Everyone, and I mean everyone have to argue. No matter who or what or where or when.
- Zombies. When all else fails, whip out the zombies!
- ...and the most important: There isn't a single character in this book that appeals to me. None.
I am rating the first 40% only.
Couldn't take any more of this dry toast, it reads like a combination of a science text book, Yoda (tho not as colorful) and Leo Tolstoy (however hislong sentences are much easier to follow).
As for romance? So far: two creatures from different worlds, a human named Sora, and a merpus? man'o'pus? - what do you call a merman with tentacles instead of a tail? - meet on an alien beach for half an hour or so. They spend time building up a vocabulary by pointing at random things. After running out of things to point at, they get busy with some light groping, that is until Sora's CO suddenly screams "break!" from his wrist computer and in a 5 minute time comes over to scoop up her human, and ....and that's the end of that adventure.
Now Sora is back home, waiting to be court martialed for breaking a scooter against a 9-meter ocean wave and almost dying from a hostile alien weather. But in the meantime, while waiting that is, he is visiting seedy establishments and pining after his alien merpus.
At the same time, I hear, there is some very evil plan is in progress, especially evil because of the vicious verbal gay-bashing ...since plain evil doesn't seem to quite cut it. And that, ladies and gents, is where I almost threw my very brand new iPad into the wall. The End