So this week started out rough for me and went steadily downhill as the week progressed. But finally, it's over and I had a perfect day. After work, I went out with my co-worker and we read more of American Gods by Neil Gaiman. We got all the way through chapter 5 and we're competing to see who can use the quote, "slick as a snake in a barrel of butter," naturally in a conversation first. I think he might win. I got home and my dad said he wanted to check out this store, 2nd Charles, and asked me to tag along. This store is amazing, I wish I had learned about it sooner, their book section is huge. I had two glorious hours of uninterrupted bliss before we left. I'll have to remember to bring my reusable book bag next time. We went out for lunch after, then stopped for smoothies, then pretzels (high doses of prednisone make me ravenous), and my dad's favorite bike shop. With me working third shift I don't get many chances to spend time with my family anymore, so this was a perfect end to my work week.
Book Haul:
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson (I was so excited to have found these in hardback for a very reasonable price, that I didn't even notice they had the deckled pages until I got home. I love deckled pages.)
The Path of Daggers, Winter's Heart, Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan
Sins of the Father, Wolf to the Slaughter, Speaker of Mandarin, Death Notes by Ruth Rendell
White Fang by Jack London (I've been looking for a new copy of this book for years, my current copy is held together by scotch tape, but wasn't able to find the exact edition I owned until today.)