Why is it that good stories finish so fast? This one just flashed by me, in all its beautiful and sensual happiness. The boys were adorable, and just the right amount of emotional morons to stimulate all my OH FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE MAN JUST KISS HIM. And such things. You know.
This is a story full of sex, tender and loving, and it is explicit to the umpteenth degree. As this author has showed us before, it is quite possible to write full-on porn without ever ending up lewd and disgusting. It is simply making love. In many, many ways, in many, many positions.
Of course, add to all that, they are training for a Mud Race. Well, you get the picture. The boys are sweaty and muddy most of the time.
It is glorious.
They even finally talk it out. About relationships and things. Amazing. How about them apples, eh?
I also love that this is a story that also has a bisexual character, and LGBT-characters who walk around in life with a personal weight of internalized homophobia. Growing up in homophobic homes can really trouble your mind.
There is real and true mental growing-up happening in this story.
It’s really beautiful.
Happy reading everyone.
I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher, Dreamspinner Press, and a positive review wasn’t promised in return.