What and awesome story this was as it was so emotional that it brought me to tears.The love triangle was awesome we loved the characters all of them broken in some way yet, perfect for their poly-relationship giving the men the best of both worlds and Jazz she got something that she was needing from both of them that lend-ed to her healing.
I always loved Jazz she was already and interesting character but, once reading her story my heart just broke for everything she endured and not knowing how she survived it all emotionally. Props to Jazz for being so strong as she was always strong and beautiful and we loved that the men in her life saw that and no matter the horror that scars left on the inside as well as out.
Screw was one messed up dude emotional scarred and scared and once threatened emotionally in anyway he struck out against those in the only way he new to defend himself.We loved the broken man to pieces as we saw through all his bs but, with Jazz in his life as well as Gumby he too was healing as both had something to give him that no just one person could provide what he needed physically as well as emotionally.What we loved most about Screw was how open he was with his own sexuality and his f***-off attitude he had for others who didn't approve but, we loved that his brothers couldn't care less and even teased him about his conquests but, for Jazz things were working to her advantage as she had feelings for to men and was unable to choose between them.
Gumby was a love-able character just like the rest of them but, between the three he was the most emotionally scarred and his hangups could be his undoing you understand why this man feels the way he does considering his upbringing but, unless he deals with his personal demons he might lose the loves of his life.My heart went out to this man time and time again but, I wanted to smack him more often than not to wake up and see whats right it front of you before its to late.
Overall we loved it and we would could go on and on for sometime telling you about all the things we loved about this story it was just that amazing!Lilly never disappoints us and she makes it so easy for us to fall in love with her characters and even though we love the characters of this entire series and my heart broke and melted for Jigsaw and Izzy's story but, Screw & Jazzy & Gumby's story moved into the top number one spot for my favorite in this series .We loved that the No Prisoners MC and its character's graced the pages of this current tale as we love those guys as well and that Ms. Atlas created a bit of a dilemma with Gumby belonging to another MC but, lucky for us they are one cool club and love nothing more then seeing their brothers find the love and happiness they all deserve.
Final thoughts we be that this tri worked for all parties involved and if push came to shove and a decision to choose could have between made but, in the long run something would always be missing from ones life to make that one person truly happy and fulfilled in all ways possible.This author has done it yet again!What and amazing emotional tale with a whole lot of complications and more than a few twists and turns along the way.For us we think each and every time this author puts a pen to page her stories just get better and better and each and every time manages to bring me to tears.
This story and its character's will not be easily forgotten and we can tell you right now this one will be a constant re-read we have in our library.