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text 2019-10-02 17:47
My September 2019
Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 2 - Michael Gaydos,David Mack,Brian Michael Bendis
Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 3 - Michael Gaydos,Brian Michael Bendis
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery - Kurtis J. Wiebe,Roc Upchurch
salt. - Nayyirah Waheed
Through the Woods - Emily Carroll
We Should All Be Feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Sun and Her Flowers - rupi kaur
Chase Darkness with Me: How One True-Crime Writer Started Solving Murders - Billy Jensen
Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 2 - 4 stars
Jessica Jones: Alias Vol. 3 - 4.5 stars
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery - 5 stars
salt. - 5 stars
Through the Woods - 5 stars
We Should All Be Feminists - 5 stars (reread)
The Sun and Her Flowers - 5 stars
Chase Darkness with Me: How One True-Crime Writer Started Solving Murders - 5 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month:

e v e r y t h i n g


Books started this month but haven't finished yet:

Still, Tote Asche, If I'm Being Honest, Just One of the Royals, Das Spiel


Random ramblings:

In the beginning of the month I felt a reading slump coming, so I did the only thing I could think of, ditched all the books I was currently reading and picked up some comics and poetry, and a tiny book I have already read before. And it worked. I went back to the other books after that and even though I didn't finish them, I actually got a good few pages read in them. So, I would say, I managed to avoid the reading slump.
I'm also now up to date on all the podcasts I listen to and have to wait for new episodes, so I actually have the time to pick up books LOL


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review 2019-09-15 17:08
The Sun and Her Flowers!!!
The Sun and Her Flowers - rupi kaur

This is one of those books were I feel like I shouldn't even write a review, cause I will never be capable to put into words how amazing this is. See, amazing, that doesn't even come close to what this book and those poems actually made me feel.  But I couldn't just slap a 5 star raiting on this and not leave a few words.


I saw myself in some of them. Some of them didn't even speak to me personally BUT THEY MADE ME FEEL THINGS, a few of them made me cry, not gonna lie. The power of words, man. This shit is insane.

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review 2019-07-18 19:52
Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur

For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

This book sat on my To-Be-Read shelf for quite a while, because I felt I needed to be in the right mindset to read it and have enough time to enjoy it and really digest it. I finally brought it with me on a road trip to read and honestly, I was just underwhelmed after hearing so much praise about it. 

The majority of the poetry is short, vague, uninspiring, and lacks any rhythm or form. It was quite a disappointment. Most of the poems feel like snippets of poems rather than full poems themselves. Of the entire collection, I liked maybe one or two. Most of the poems read like someone had a great idea and wrote it down to develop later, yet these ones never got developed further than that initial idea. 

The book is broken down into four sections: the hurting, the loving, the breaking, and the healing. The first section is the most difficult to read as it deals with hard issues like rape, abuse, and possibly incest. These are obviously hard things to deal with and write about and I commend Kaur for sharing such painful stories and memories, but as far as poetry goes, the majority lacked a message or thought-provoking idea. Many of them just appeared to share the event without much reflection or analysis. While this can be cathartic, it doesn't make for great poetry and they read like undeveloped poems that are meaningful to the person writing them, but not necessarily to strangers reading a collection of them. 

Overall, this just wasn't the type of poetry I like. I had heard good things about this book, but the style just didn't resonate with me. Some of the doodles were interesting and I liked one or two of the actual poems, but on the whole, the collection was kind of a letdown.

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quote 2019-01-14 16:53
è stato uno degli anni più grandiosi e più difficili della mia vita. ho imparato che ogni cosa è passeggera. momenti. emozioni. persone. fiori. ho imparato che l’amore sta nel donare. tutto. e nel lasciare che mi dia dolore. ho imparato che la vulnerabilità è sempre la scelta giusta perché è facile essere insensibili in un mondo che rende tanto difficile restare teneri. ho imparato che tutte le cose esistono in coppia. vita e morte. dolore e gioia. sale e zucchero. io e te. è l’equilibrio dell’universo. è stato l’anno di un dolore bruttissimo ma di una vita bellissima. rendere amici gli estranei. rendere estranei gli amici. imparare che la stracciatella alla menta risolve quasi tutto e per i dolori che non risolve ci sono sempre le braccia di mia madre. dobbiamo imparare a concentrarci sull’energia calda. sempre. immergervi gli arti e diventare più bravi ad amare il mondo. perché se non sappiamo imparare a trattarci con gentilezza l’un l’altro come potremo mai imparare a trattare con gentilezza le parti più disperate di noi stessi
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quote 2019-01-14 16:53
il giorno in cui avrai tutto
spero che ti ricorderai
di quando non avevi nulla
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