Your series for this story is about Ice Hockey, I am just wondering...are you a real hockey fan? (If YES) Do you have a favorite Hockey team?
Absolutely. I haven’t had a lot of time to watch this season, but I’m a diehard Dallas Stars fan. Have been since my high school years when they first came to Texas.
You chose to write about sports. Are you a sports fan at heart? Do you watch any sports with a signifigant other?/Family?
I always seem to love the outlier sports that don’t get a lot of love. I was a competitive swimmer for years, and a swim coach, so I still stay in touch with that aspect of my life. I’ve played softball, soccer, been in gymnastics, and ran track for a bit. I’ve always been an active person.
My kids and I will sometimes watch hockey, but they don’t get it as much as I do, so I usually end up either explaining everything, or watching it alone.
Topic: How has hockey/sports influenced your writing and your life.
In my high school years, the Dallas Stars came to town. For people that don’t know ice hockey, I usually describe it to non-watchers as soccer on skates and with sticks, because the rules are similar and it seems to work out in people’s heads better that way. Also, it always gets a laugh. Anyway, I’m the type to want to do anything once, so I was all “I want to play hockey!” and then promptly realized that hockey was practically non-existent in Texas at that time. I mean, we had our first pro-hockey team ever and it had only been there a matter of months. Needless to say, I was disappointed, but it’s never stopped me from being a fan and loving the game. And believe me, I’m a little jealous of all these Dallas kids growing up with hockey in their lives now.
Hockey, like soccer, is exciting. The puck is always moving, the guys are always full of energy, and the fights are awesome. Especially the ones where you can tell they planned to fight in the first place, because they’re constantly gunning for each other.
I suppose that’s how I want to see my life go. Always moving, always full of energy… but maybe no fights. Those aren’t as much fun off the ice. ;) I always feel like I’m too busy, but maybe that’s just because I’m emulating a hockey game. I’m chasing that puck, that ever-elusive goal, and trying to make my way past the defensive line without getting checked into the boards.
I got the idea for the Texas Highlanders series when I first read a hockey romance and realized, “DUDE. I can do this!” Not because the book was bad. Actually, it was Rachel Gibson’s Simply Irresistible, and I loved it like crazy. I still do. I frequently reread that entire series when I have the time.
I drew on that reading experience to write my first hockey romance, Off Her Game. From that book, a dozen characters popped out of the woodwork demanding their own story, including my newest release, Scoring His Heart’s Gavin and Zoe.
I’ve learned so much since I first wrote Off Her Game three years ago. I kept chasing the puck, and I grew as a person and as a writer, and yeah, I’ve been checked into the boards a couple times. I faked left when I should have faked right. But I still keep charging after that puck. I don’t think I know how to stop playing this game, and I probably wouldn’t want to anyway. Where’s the fun in that, anyway?