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url 2017-06-07 13:05
90+ new releases in book series this week
White Trash Zombie Unchained - Diana Rowland
Only Skein Deep - Maggie Sefton
Moonbreaker - Simon R. Green
Indecent Exposure - Stuart Woods
An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities) - KJ Charles
A Scandal in Battersea - Mercedes Lackey
A Peace Divided - Tanya Huff
Inked Expressions - Carrie Ann Ryan
The Kill Society - Richard Kadrey
Tyrant's Throne - Sebastien de Castell

See the fictfact new release calendar at https://www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar for full list.

Source: www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar
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review 2016-08-25 17:15
[Kurz-Rezension] Simon Tofield - Simons Katze ~ Der Zaunkönig
Simons Katze, Der Zaunkönig - Simon Tofield
Simons Katze erobert die Welt! Band 2 der Erfolgsserie führt den schnurrigen Cartoon-Superstar auf Entdeckungsreise jenseits des Gartenzauns
"Fütter mich!" Diese Gestik und Mimik ist unmissverständlich. Und wenn es zu Hause mal wieder nichts zu fressen gibt, dann muss Simons Katze eben auf der anderen Seite des Gartenzauns auf Futtersuche gehen ... 
Simons Katze ist im weltweiten Netz längst zum Superstar geworden. Seit Oktober 2009 erobert die anarchische Heldin nun auch die Herzen der Cartoonbuchfreunde. Inspiriert von seinen vier Katzen aus echtem Fell legt ihr Erfinder Simon Tofield jetzt die Fortsetzung der Erfolgsserie vor. Band 2 führt Simons Katze in die weite Welt. Mit wenig Strichen und ganz viel Liebe zum Detail. Konkurrenzlos originell!
Gebundene Ausgabe: 240 Seiten
Verlag: Goldmann Verlag (11. Oktober 2010)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3442312345
ISBN-13: 978-3442312344
Größe: 22 x 2,6 x 17,3 cm
Vorweg muss man eins gleich mal sagen, das Buch ist kein gewöhnliches Buch, es ist mehr ein Zeichenbuch, was ohne Sprechblasen oder sowas auskommt. Es sollte also niemand einen grossen Text oder etwas in der Art erwarten.
Das Buch ist gefüllt mit Zeichnungen von Simons Katze und Naturbildern, also es dreht sich alles um das Thema Bauernhof. Simons Katze ist echt süss zum Anschauen, sie erlebt immer etwas und auch die Ideen von Simon Tofield sind echt schön umgesetzt.
Die Zeichnungen sind einfach schön und das Buch lädt einfach mal dazu ein, sich von Zeichnungen und lustigen kleinen Anekdoten zum Entspannen und Lachen ein. 
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url 2016-08-09 13:20
Clementina by Simon Cann - Book Tour and Giveaway
Clementina (Leathan Wilkey Book 1) - Simon Cann

Leathan Wilkey has been hired to babysit Clementina, a seventeen-year-old whose rich daddy is going through a messy divorce and is over-compensating.

Leathan soon tires of her spending habits, her selfie obsession, and her social media preoccupation as his ward drags him from shop to boutique to jeweler, approaching each with the self-possession that comes from a lifetime of getting her own way and never once having to worry about money.

But when Clementina snaps her fingers and her boyfriend doesn’t come running, something is up. He doesn’t appear because he’s been murdered.

When Leathan investigates, he finds that the boyfriend has no background and met Clementina through a connection made by daddy’s business partner.

Daddy’s business partner who has been slowly and progressively putting daddy in a vice, grabbing more of the business, and who is now menacing Clementina directly to manipulate daddy.

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review 2016-06-27 17:13
The Little Paris Bookshop Review!
The Little Paris Bookshop: A Novel - Nina George,Simon Pare

Thank you to Blogging for Books for providing a copy of The Little Paris Bookshop By: Nina George in exchange for an honest review!

So let's be real here. I wanted to read The Little Paris Bookshop to see what this floating literary apothecary was all about. I wanted to see what exactly it meant when it says in the summary that Perdu prescribes books for people that he feels like they need. Basically I enjoy books about books!

I liked Perdu and Jordan a lot, however I found it difficult to have a real connection to them. While I did not find any characters to be relatable, I still enjoyed them and found them intriguing. Especially Perdu. I really enjoyed his journey to healing. I can't believe it took Perdu so long to read the letter in the first place though. I would have died out of curiosity in three minutes flat!

While I really liked The Little Paris Bookshop, it wasn't perfect. There are a few slow parts that I struggled to get through. I even thought about DNFing at one point in the middle because it was so slow. I'm glad I didn't, but if it wasn't for those slow parts this could have possibly been a five star read. I will say that part of it may be the fact that I've been extremely in the mood for mysteries and thrillers at the moment. Which this certainly is not. Regardless, it was slow in the middle. Perhaps it wouldn't have been as bad if I wasn't in this crazy thriller mood. Also, this book really made me want to travel even more. I'm just dying to travel! I want to go so many places.
#AFewSlowParts #Wanderlust

Overall I liked The Little Paris Bookshop. I can't say that it has become a new favorite book, but I enjoyed it and I would read it again. Oh, and the ending was magnificent! I am very pleased with how it ended. I started this book to read by the pool, but I ended up deciding to hurry up and finish it instead of waiting to read by the pool. I couldn't wait to see what happened with Perdu at the end!
#NotPerfect #GreatEnding

I recommend The Little Paris Bookshop to fans of books about books and for people who enjoy beautiful stories about healing.

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url 2016-02-22 09:58
Krieg der Welten
Zwei Jahre, acht Monate und achtundzwanzig Nächte - Salman Rushdie,Simon Jäger,Sigrid Ruschmeier

Die Mischung aus Rushdies überbordender Fantasie und Spitzzüngigkeit, gepaart mit der gekonnten Erzählart von Simon Jäger machen dieses Hörbuch zu einem modernen Märchen, dem man sich zwar nicht tausendundeine Nacht lang, aber knapp 12 Stunden gerne hingibt ...


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