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quote 2015-10-18 06:08
I'm going to be independent and strong, and stand on my own two feet.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

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quote 2015-09-03 11:48
His expression is taut and set; he looks as though his face is carved out of stone.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

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quote 2015-09-03 11:43
So I sit there,half-crying,half-laughing,letting a pool of wet tears gather on my skirt and not even bothering to wipe it away.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

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quote 2015-09-03 11:36
And this time I just can't stop the tears from gathering in my eyes and dripping slowly down my face, taking my makeup with them.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

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quote 2015-06-07 13:08
Everywhere I look, girls are feverishly sorting through garments, looking for labels, trying out bags. Their manicured nails are descending on the stuff like the claws of birds of prey and I can't believe quite how fast they're working.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

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