Gemma's sister is getting married into a military family. Gemma has also been convinced to audition for the school play. She overcomes a lot in this year but what a wild ride.
I found this to be one of the funniest books I have read in a while. Gemma is great. Her 14-year-old voice is perfect. She has some good moments at the bridal fair (flower girl dresses) and at school and at other's homes. She realizes how shallow so many are including herself. Her dad is a typical dad--embarrassing his kids when not complaining about his lawn and offering advice to others on theirs. Her mom is a typical mom trying to smooth ruffled feathers. Her sister and the 3 R's (read the book) are pains-in-the-behinds. The parents of the others--Nick, Raven, and the groom--give Gemma a contrast to her parents.
I loved the story. I loved Gemma and Raven. I especially loved what Gemma learned over that year on love, family, and people.