I didn't think I would, as it was the least interesting sounding Avengers series when I read about them all. I was quickly won over: it's clever, and the banter between the characters just charmed me. I ended up shipping Hulkling and Wiccan, and I very much want to read issue four now that I've seen what's happened to them, Hulkling in particular.
I'm not one hundred percent sure what's up with Songbird - wasn't she evil at one point? - but I'm willing to roll with this for now. If characters don't have the chance at redemption, there's just no point. It's the possibility that someone might have a redeeming storyline that truly keeps me coming. (Marvel has enough villains turned heroes, and even heroes turned villains, that this isn't really surprising so much as I didn't realize that Songbird had gone good.)
It's monied Avengers, Avengers with a lot of science behind it, and I'm not sure how I feel about the whole concept quite yet. I mean, it still sounds boring to me as a concept, but it's a lot of fun put together, so I'm still wrapping my mind around the disconnect for me there.