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review 2017-07-02 22:31
Until Ray
Until Ray: Book 1 of the Until Ray Trilogy - Cheryl Robinson

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Title: Until Ray
Author: Cheryl Robinson
Publisher: Rose Colored Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Until Ray" By Cheryl Robinson

My Thoughts....

What a very interesting read that will keep you turning the pages and leave you by the end wanting more!

When I thought about the story after reading it I found it really sad especially for Sarita. To me the writing was definitely printed on the wall for her to see but for some reason Sarita wasn't able to see it even though she was a very smart person. Sarita had been warned especially by her mother but like so many of us she thought she was following her heart. But was Ray the right man that would truly love Sarita? This author really gives the reader quite a story that you will give one many thoughts long after the read. The characters were simply off the chart...from Ray, Sarita, Solomon, Cynthia, Miss King, Vera, Paw Paw, Boone, Sharon, Faith, Joy, Graham, Tisha, Reid to Veronica to name a few were all well developed, portrayed, defined and believable definitely giving this story a realness that one could feel as if they were there in the mist of it all.

I will not say much about Ray other than ... yes, he let me down and all I can say from that is he definitely needs help! After saying that I will stop and only say pick up "Until Ray" to see how well this author present to the readers such a outstanding read that will leave you shaking your head, saying wow and wanting more! Be prepared for a long well thought out read. It will definitely be interesting how this trilogy will continue on because there are lots of questions that need to be answered and I will look forward to reading more about it. Would I recommend? YES!!
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review 2017-03-05 03:04
Radiant: The Diamond Trilogy, Book II (BookShots Flames) - Elizabeth Hayley,James Patterson

Title: Radiant
Author: Elizabeth Hayley
Publisher: BookShots
Series: Diamond Trilogy # 2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Radiant" by Elizabeth Hayley

My View:

All I can say is that this read had me coming and going and coming and going again! Now, why was this? I am not sure who I felt sorry for Siobhan Dempsey or Derick Miller. In my wildest dreams I a thought that Derick really cared for Siobhan but by the end of this read I simply wasn't sure! It was definitely a fact that he had an horrible obsession with her that was beginning to scare the heck out of me. Derick seemed to not be able to keep doing things behind Siobhan's back that surely she would find out about it all in the end. Was he that clueless? Will he ever learn or just say enough of this? Now as for Siobhan will she ever stop all of this and make a decision and stick with it? Oh well I guess we will just have to see what will happen in the next 'Diamond Trilogy # 3.' Both of these characters really have something going on for them but will this ever happen with what keep breaking them apart. What was up with this man that he thought he could buy her...through buying all of her paintings? Will Derick ever learn Siobhan doesn't want him interfering with her life even though he is a billionaire and had all the money? I can understand the love Derick has for Siobhan but the way he keep repeating the same old thing [following and buying her] is getting old. So, I guess we will have to tune into the next read to see how this story will turn out.

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url 2016-08-03 18:00
Judith Barrow: Today with Tony Riches
Owen: Book One of the Tudor Trilogy - Tony Riches
Jasper: Book Two of The Tudor Trilogy - Tony Riches

Introducing the authors who will be appearing at the Tenby Book Fair (part of the Tenby Arts Festival) in Tenby, South Pembrokshire, Wales, on September 24, 2016 (the festival runs through October 1).  Rats, now I really wish I could travel this year ...


Anyway, great interview!

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url 2015-09-05 16:07
Blog Tour + Review | The Way to Never by O. E. Boroni
The Way to Never (The Never Trilogy Book 2) - O. E. Boroni

Today, I am happy to announce my stop on The Way to Never blog tour. A couple of months ago, I also participated in The Beginning of Never blog tour. If you want to see my review of the first installment of this series, then click here

The Way to Never
By O. E. Boroni
Published July 25, 2015

When falling out of love, refuses to become an option… 

Nathan Roque first met Lenora Baker, a beautiful, exasperating, and bitter girl when she was just fifteen years old. He fell so deeply in love with her that he suspected that in his lifetime, nothing else could ever mirror the kind of commitment that she drew out of him. But she is left heartbroken when an unfortunate incident drives them apart. 

Thirteen years later, he sets out to reach out to her when he can no longer resist the consuming thoughts of her that have haunted him for so long. However, the same demons that caused him to let go of her in the first place are still holding him back. But when he is thrust into a situation where he has no choice but to become professionally involved with her, a Pandora’s Box of angst, resentment, and passion is unleashed. 

Now they are forced to make the decision on how to proceed. But will it justify the one that they made in the past, or will it mock it? 


To read my review and enter into the giveaway, see the original post.

Source: 4evercrazyforya.blogspot.com/2015/09/blog-tour-review-way-to-never-by-o-e.html
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url 2015-08-22 19:22
FREE Romance at Amazon
Hold Trilogy Book 1: MMA Fighter New Adult Romance - Jayne Blue
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