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url 2019-05-08 13:18
The God Vibration
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The God Vibration

Following The Music of Sound HSpiritualityMantrasconsciousnessSymbols and Signs


Following "H" through Ancient Civilizations as Sound of  and Cosmic Vibrations

by Natasa Pantović Nuit

H as symbol of Age of Pisces

The sound frequency and the use of symbols within our mystical spiritual traditions, all through the centuries of our existence on this planet, carried the initiation into the altered states of , our (H}ope to transmit the spiritual energy between various levels of reality.

Following the name of supreme God, the frequency of the sound of Ya-Ho-Wa within Anglo-Saxon languages, the ancient Arab worlds and within the Slavic cultures, I found some inspiring patterns.



H in Ancient China

At one point of my life I have researched Chinese characters’ drawings, and found it to be such a fascinating art, hiding 1,000s of years of wisdom within the sacred symbols. The Chinese writing is from right to left, like the Arabic, so do have this in mind when observing this most beautiful Sh; To hide the sacred “H” our Kings and Priests added “S” to it.

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/246/the-god-vibration
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