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Discussion: Bug Reports
posts: 15 views: 53000 last post: 5 years ago
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Reply to post #647 (show post):

Hi, just wanted to let you know that we've updated the author names in the currently reading box on your Dash -- they should appear in the same order as on a book page.
I am currently reading two books. One of them is showing up under "currently reading" on my blog, but the other isn't. I've tried adding different editions and everything else I can think of. Not sure what's up. This has never happened to me before.
It's not a reread. And yes, I set a start date. Hmmmm
Okay thanks!!
And it's just doing this on Rosemary's Baby. Every other book I try adding shows up.
Well, I tried multiple editions. Like, six different ones. Haha. None of them showed up. I haven't had a problem with any other book.
Here's the one I'd like to use: http://booklikes.com/rosemary-s-baby-ira-levin/book,596321
Thank you! I was hoping it wasn't just me. Lol.
That worked! Thank you so much!
Meanwhile, BL has stopped working for me at all at my parent's summer house. Sent one of your team an e-mail with the IP address again. Apple had never heard of this before at the Genius Bar.

Anyway, you guys were great the first time this happened. I got a patch that worked, at least temporarily. Hoping you can help me out again! Because posting from my phone too much just gives me migraines. (I don't know why the phone works and the computer doesn't.)
Reply to post #665 (show post):

Grimlock - I'm wondering if you had the same issues I've been having lately, with nothing but a blank page or "connection refused"? I've had it happen three times so far (and BL was very speedy to fix it) and although I think I know why it happened the first two times, the last time was a complete mystery.
Reply to post #666 (show post):

Yes! Connection refused.

And oh, thank Primus, it's not just me. I thought it was just me, and I was worrying that I was bothering them over something that was just... me.

They fixed it when it happened at my house, and my parent's summer's house. And this time. I'm obviously back on, but yeah. I don't know what happened at all.
Reply to post #667 (show post):

We share the same relief - it was getting to the point that I cringed at the thought of emailing them with "it's happening again!!" because I thought it was just me it was happening to. As I said above, I think the first two times were because I was doing librarian edits and was just opening too many tabs at once and security bounced me. But the last time it happened I was at home and just reading my newsfeed. Hit refresh and bam! Out!

Thank goodness BL is so quick - no way could I use my phone; I'd end up with migraines too. :P
And in the end, the phone didn't work either. So weird.

Anyway, yeah, I'm just glad it's fixed.
Sorry, just remembered something: when BL wasn't working for me the first time, it would work in some places, then shut down after a while. So it wasn't shutting me out completely, at least not at first. If it was shutting out my user name/account for a short period of time for security purposes, it seems like that wouldn't have happened at all. Or I mean that I wouldn't have been able to get on at all.

So I'm not sure what was/is happening, but today was the first time it seemed to have resolved on its own - that is, no word from BL staff yet (and I don't blame them for taking the weekends off!) but it suddenly started working. The other times, it lasted longer, and still wouldn't resolve without BL staff/programmers doing something behind the scenes.

It feels more like a glitch than temporary lockout to me. I actually ended up going to the Genius Bar at my local Apple store to see if it was a glitch left over from the Yosemite install, and they said they'd never heard of this happening before. So I'm wondering if it's a glitch that's so rare on their side that they've never heard about it, or perhaps a BL glitch from a Thursday updates. (In which case, I love that they keep improving, and I wouldn't expect everything to go 100% flawlessly given how frequently they update/give us candy/improve the site.) I'm just wondering, and thinking it's more likely to be one of those two options given the way the site has flaked out on me recently.

Here's hoping this time it stays up forever as BL is still my favorite book site by far.
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