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Discussion: Bug Reports
posts: 15 views: 53023 last post: 5 years ago
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Thanks, guys. I sent an e-mail for the details, but I can only post on the blog post that I linked to earlier. Tried another of her posts, no love, and the dashboard is eating my comments. So I'm super confused now.

Although given how quickly I've seen your responses to these issues be in the past, I'm sure it'll get sorted out in no time.
Ah, yeah, we should probably let that person know somehow.

I'm also having trouble finding the dashboard/follow/almost all of the buttons on the top of most blog pages. I think I've only seen the dashboard on the general blog pages; once I click on a particular post, it goes away.
I'm still seeing "follow" buttons on people's general blogs, but neither "follow/unfollow" nor "like" (or in fact ANY) buttons, nor any opportunity to comment on individual posts, once I open most people's posts in blog mode (i.e., other than accessing via dashboard).
All the issues should be fixed now. The comment boxes and the upper right buttons on your blog pages are all yours again. Sorry for trouble.
Yey -- thank you! It does look OK again now.
I created a blog post with my shelfies from my iPad, posting 4 pictures. They look fine when I look at them on my iPad - all of them showing right-side-up. But others have reported to me, and I have verified, that when you look at them from the desktop computers, all the photos are either sideways or upside down.

I'm not sure what's going on or how to fix it - the pictures display correctly from my iPad but not from a desktop.

I don't have an ipad but I live with someone who does. They've said they think it's due to the orientation of the ipad when it is taking the photo, rather than the browser it's eventually displayed on. Don't know if that applies to yours but that's what they've found with theirs.
Since I'm on vacation and having to rely in my iPad all the time, I just noticed another bug: I can't search. I enter either a title, an author or an ISBN in the search field on the dashboard, click return and all that happens is my dashboard re-loads. I can't get it to work at all.

iPad 2 / iOS 8.3
Reply to post #702 (show post):

Thank you for the example, it helps a lot. We've passed the issue to our engineers and let you know about the updates ASAP. So sorry about the inconvenience and trouble - we know that one of the worst thing for a book lover is the inability to shelve a book. Sorry! We hope this minor obstacle won't discourage you in enlarging your book collection by using other ways of shelving on BL: the ISBN search option and add new book form.
Reply to post #699 (show post):

Hi, sorry for this but it looks rather like an iPad issue rather than our system. The orientation is saved in the photo metadata and placed according to it. Please open the photos in any photo editing program, set the orientation (e.g. vertical), save and then upload to your BookLikes posts - the orientation should be ok then.
Reply to post #701 (show post):

Any news about this one (not being able to search from iPad?)
Reply to post #705 (show post):

Is it still happening? We've checked on tablet and mobile and once we type the book title or ISBN number the search works showing the book results. Can you please try now and do not hit return, just add a space or nothing after the title/ISBN, and let us know if that helped?
Ok, pausing and NOT hitting enter works - it gives me the results in the list that stretches out below the search field.

Hitting enter doesn't work though, so I can't get to the search result page that gives me the full list of results. Is that something that can't be fixed for ios devices?
Reply to post #707 (show post):

We'll check that. It looks like the search result page is available after hitting "Search" on our mobiles but it may be the case of individual devices and OS versions. We've passed the issue to our tech team.
Reply to post #709 (show post):

so...here is the thing, when we've done the sub admin tool it was designed to suit the Book Clubs needs mainly (edit books, selecting the next read with and without the public voting survey etc.) and these work just fine there.

I see why some extra powers, like deleting posts, would be useful in other discussions (e.g. the hot topic you got running nowadays - yes we saw you and we will get to that ;) ), you got a point here, we'll figure something out and get back to you shortly.
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