Reply to post #102
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So just to clarify, what makes them different? They've both been trained to use spells, and are both considered good magic users. (As opposed to Doctor Doom, who, yeah, uses magic for eeeevil. Well, now good, but for evil for a long time.) So it's not a good/evil distinction, so I'm more confused than ever by what would separate Strange from Wanda. I was under the impression that they, and Doctor Voodoo, were all considered magic users, and while they went under different names (sorcerer, voodoo user, witch), they did the same things.
Even the price that has to be paid for magic seems to be true: Strange always pays a price and so does Wanda, more so now than ever. Also, Strange had a female apprentice whom I'm also assuming would be sorcerer rather than witch. Which confuses me even more.
So... I don't want to sound what's the word? Bitchy. But I am feeling rather dumb right now. Clearly there is a distinction that you're seeing and I'm not, and I don't want to stumble into that later on when I'm finalizing my witch read.