Well, since infectious diseases are something unique in all of our communities at this point, sure, why not. :)
For square 7, does a house of cards count as a house?
Reply to post #89
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Tannat, I'm going to have to say no to that one. A house is a house. :)
What's our official tag this year? Booklikesopoly-2020? Booklikes-opoly2020? BLopoly-2020?
Reply to post #91
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I'm using BL-opoly 2020 and Booklikes-opoly 2020 (i.e., same as last year, but, well, updated).
I'm confused. The plain text version for Mountain Cabin 15 says "Read a book with a tree (or trees) on the cover, or that is set in a mountain community". But the lot's image says "Read a book with a tree (or trees) on the cover, or read a book that features a main character who is a father."
EDIT: Nevermind. I found a good one with a tree on the cover, so the second part doesn't matter.