I can't wait to watch this!!!!!!!!!
I'm developing an obsession with standup comedy! (I blame the audible channel: "Front Row Comedy")
There are some naturals like Caleb Synan. Laugh away!!
I find this video super cool!
And I'm pretty sure that the fact that I just started reading Written In Red (which also involves wolves, and bloody gory stuff, and the word 'Red'--which are probably the only things in common) made my coincidental watching of this video even cooler.
Don't mind me. I babble when I have no idea what I'm talking about. Written In Red really has nothing to do with RWBY. But my mind makes strange connections here and there sometimes.
This is a trailer for the anime series RWBY, which, according to summaries, sounds like series with a world where youngsters train to become Huntsmen and Huntresses to protect their world from monsters. Sounds interesting enough and looks pretty cool.
Although I couldn't help noticing that the video seems very video game-like.
I'm off to watch the other three trailers for the other three.
I found this video while reading a blog post at Because Reading.
Rachel you aren't the only one waiting for the premiere tonight!
Click to see an extended cut of the hall of faces - don't worry no spoilers!!!