4.5 HEARTS--
There was no climbing back out of the rabbit hole; he was fucked and fucked good, but at least the company was interesting.
Down the rabbit hole indeed...
What a twisted, psychological thrilling roller coaster of a ride Max turned out to be.
I'd rather warn potential readers there are triggers in here: rape, dubious consent, unethical practices, cheating, some violence. (A checklist of sorts that guaranteed me reading) And I don't consider this a trigger by any means, but there are readers who don't like vaginas in their fiction *gasp*...whelp, there are few in here (put to good use might I add. I mean it is a Bey Deckard title *grin*) Is Max dark? I don't think so. On a scale from 1-5, maybe 1 or 1.5? It's more a head game...a devious fucking head game.
There's oodles and oodles of lies. And I've read this 1.5 times, and I'm trying to figure out where all the truths were.
Set in Montréal, Dr. Dennis Crane is a newly minted psychologist, married and seems to have a normal life. Enter his patient, young Max, who he can tell has a madness in his eyes, that Max is hiding something. But Dr. Crane is drawn to the younger man. Maybe he can diagnose him, fix Max. He doesn't even realize he's been ensnared in the spider's web and Max is running the show.
"Are you afraid of me, Dennis? You shouldn't be. I'm trying my very best to make you understand that I like you. And I'm offering you the very thing you desire the most: me. You know I'm a fine specimen of amorality. I'm giving you the opportunity to look behind the curtain. No holding back."
I believe I've made it known I enjoy reading the cray crays, especially when they're well written. Psychopaths, sociopaths, amoral puppet masters that treat others they encounter as their toys...I enjoy reading them.
This is Max.
He's a level 7 on my scale, 100%. And I was plugged in for his show. Really enjoyed that twisted fucker.
Reading Dr. Crane lose more of himself to the miasma of the depravity that reeks from Max, and you read it as Crane knows and still can't help himself. *claps hands wildly* That was everything. The story is told in a journal style, from Dr. Crane's POV. Max and Dr. Crane's interactions starts with sessions, and steadily moves from the doctor's practice, taking over Crane's life. A mild mannered man who develops kinks he didn't even know existed. The sex was scorching hot, while the lines between doctor and patient blurred, melded and made new definitions.
"I've opened you up to a whole new range of experiences. Once you get acclimatized, you'll see it the way I do."
I had minor quibbles. I wanted to know more. What exactly happened during the missing days? There are hints, subtle hints dotted in between the lies. It's a little frustrating not knowing. Maybe there'll be a B-side to Max? Maybe not. Who knows if the world's ready to know what's going on inside that "lizard brain" of Max's. *wink*
The ending is...I'm still a little wide eyed after that ending. I don't know what else to define it other than a little sad, yet fitting.
Recommended for readers who like amoral liars, characters who don't care to define their sexuality and twisted psychological erotica.
Watch your step.
That rabbit hole, man...it's a helluva ride.
A copy provided for an honest review.