For the most part, Boyfriends with Girlfriends was a pretty decent read. There was just one major thing that severely lessened my enjoyment of the book and I am going to address that first.
Lance really bothered me. Initially, he is very biphobic and I hated him for it.
"My main worry is the bi thing....I guess that means he's still coming out" (3).
"I don't believe there really is such a thing as being bi...I just think that you're born gay or straight. One or the other" (64).
Thankfully, Sergio calls him out on it and Lance realizes he is wrong and does (for the most part) get over his biphobia. It would have been worse if it went unchecked, but I can't stand biphobia at all. Without his initial biphobia, Lance would have just been boring, but with it he was irritating.
But, I still really enjoyed this book, for the most part. I love Sergio, he's funny and relatable. And I adore the romance between Allie and Kimiko, it was very sweet. Kimiko on her own is a really cool character too.
Also, kudos for diversity! Aside from LGBT main characters (Kimiko is a lesbian, Lance is gay, Sergio is bisexual and Allie is questioning), Kimiko is Japanese-American. Awesome!
Overall, this wasn't anything particularly amazing but it was enjoyable for the most part.
I am barely 50 pages into this book, and I hate it. The Japanese fetishism is so, so gross and it's everywhere.
I'm going to finish reading it to see if it gets better. I'm fully expecting the bi-erasure one character is espousing to be corrected by the end of the novel (if it's not, even grosser), but I do not think the fetishism is ever going to be addressed, which makes me really sad.
I really wanted to like this book. It has gay teens exploring their sexuality. It is inclusive of people of color. It should be great, but the treatment of Kimiko so far has been incredibly disappointing.