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quote 2015-06-05 06:48
“I existed until I met you. Now I'm alive.”
By Cindy Gerard To the Brink (The Bodyguards, Book 3) (First Printing) [Mass Market Paperback] - Cindy Gerard

~~To the Brink, by Cindy Gerard

(The Bodyguards Book # 3)

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quote 2015-04-25 07:55
“Be careful in the company of monsters that you don't become one.”
Take No Prisoners - Cindy Gerard

― Take No Prisoners, by Cindy Gerard

(Black-Ops Inc Book # 2)

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quote 2015-04-18 00:30
“Now let's try that again. Ask my wife nice, and maybe I'll let you sleep in the same bed as your teeth tonight.”
With No Remorse - Cindy Gerard

― With No Remorse, by Cindy Gerard

 (Black Ops Inc, Book # 6)

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