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review 2018-10-25 04:15
Rezension | Clockwork Princess von Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Princess (Die Chroniken der Schattenjäger, #3) - Cassandra Clare



Bald sollen die Hochzeitsglocken für Tessa Gray läuten. Anstatt die Vorfreude auf dieses Ereignis genießen zu können, werden die Londoner Schattenjäger jedoch von Mortmains riesiger Armee aus Klockwerk-Kreaturen auf Trab gehalten. Die Schattenjägergemeinschaft ist sich über die Führungsqualitäten von Charlotte Branwall als Leiterin des Londoner Instituts nicht sicher und ihrer Warnung bezüglich Mortmains Aktivitäten wird nicht die nötige Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Als schließlich das Schlüsselstück zur Vollendung von Mortmains schrecklichen Plan in dessen Hände fällt, ist es an Will das schlimmste zu verhindern.


Meine Meinung


Mit “Clockwork Princess” findet Cassandra Clares phantastische Young Adult Reihe um “Die Chroniken der Schattenjäger” ihren Abschluss. Wie gewohnt knüpft der Band an die Ereignisse des vorhergehenden Romans an, jedoch lädt Cassandra Clare zuerst auf einen Blick in die Vergangenheit ein. So erfährt man wie Jem als kleiner Junge ins Institut kam und mit Will Freundschaft schloss.


Beim vorherigen Titel “Clockwork Prince” vermisste ich weitere Informationen und größeren Einbezug der namengebenden Klockwerk-Kreaturen, deshalb hat es mir sehr gut gefallen, dass die Autorin hierfür endlich etwas mehr Platz einräumt. Ein weiterhin großer Teil der Geschichte ist für die Dreiecksbeziehung Jem-Will-Tessa reserviert. Mittlerweile habe ich mich an diese Beziehungskonstellation gewöhnt und habe einfach mit allen Charakteren mitgefiebert und mitgelitten. Immerhin haben auch noch andere schöne Pärchenbildungen ihren Auftritt wie z. B. Gideon und Sophie. Am meisten hat micht mal wieder Cassandra Clares Kunst, ihren Figuren eine beeindruckende Entwicklungsbahn zu schaffen, begeistert. Dies ging sogar so weit, dass ein bisher ungeliebter Charakter immer mehr Symphatiepunkte sammelte bis ich ihn sogar mochte!


Der Erzählstil hat, wie bereits in den vorherigen zwei Bänden, sehr gut zum Handlungszeitraum gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gepasst. Dieses Mal hat Cassandra Clare dem ganzen allerdings noch mehr Authentizität verliehen, in dem sie mehrere briefliche Konversationen z. B. zwischen Charlotte und dem Konsul in das Buch mit einfließen lässt.


Cassandra Clare ist mit “Clockwork Princess” ein in sich stimmiger Abschlussband der Chroniken der Schattenjäger gelungen der keine Fragen mehr offen lässt und ein richtiges Hollywood Happy End liefert. Der Epilog führt die Geschichte der Hauptprotagonistin Tessa noch etwas tiefgehender aus und setzt dem ganzen die Krone auf. Manches geriet dabei jedoch eine Spur zu kitschig und übertrieben, daher von mir gute 4 von 5 Grinsekatzen.




Ein explosives Finale der Schattenjäger Chroniken!

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/rezension-clockwork-princess-von-cassandra-clare
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review 2017-10-11 00:00
Clockwork Princess
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare WOW, just wow
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text 2016-12-30 07:14
Favorite books of 2016 part 1
The Deal - Elle Kennedy
Everything, Everything - Nicola Yoon
44 Chapters About 4 Men: A Memoir - BB Easton
Pucked - Helena Hunting
Mud Vein - Tarryn Fisher
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare
We Are The Ants - Shaun David Hutchinson
orange - Ichigo Takano
Because You'll Never Meet Me - Leah Thomas
The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-10-17 00:00
Clockwork Princess
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare 3 1/2 stars

I loved the character development of Henry and Charlotte. Their realization that they both loved the other, but they both believed that the other one had married them for convenience. I loved that.

I was disappointed with Jessamyn's death. I was hoping for character development from her, but I suppose we may get it yet in the other Mortal Instruments books since she came back as a ghost. Speaking of ghosts, we were told at the beginning of the trilogy that Will could see ghosts without their appearing to him, but we never had an explanation as to why that was.

I was not fond of Will and Tessa's reactions to Jem's death. It was not normal, and it felt forced. They both cared so much for Jem, that it just doesn't make sense for them to immediately have had sex. When a person's fiancé dies, the first thing they would do would be to mourn. Eventually Tessa and Will could have gotten past the grief, admitted their feelings and gotten married, but it felt really disrespectful to have them have sex so soon after learning of Jem's death. I can't decide if I liked the ending. I am glad that Tessa and Will lived a happy life, and I'm glad that Jem and Tessa will get their chance now, but it seemed too easy for Tessa to get both Will and Jem in her lifetime. Not to mention that eventually, Jem will die and Tessa will resort to the solitary life she had been living since Will's death. I suppose Jem's telling her about the story that took place in the first three books of the Mortal Instruments series indicates that the two of them will appear in the rest of the series, and that does make me happy.

I was surprised that Jem was able to leave the Silent Brothers. For two reasons. The first is that he now knows a lot of their secrets. He is probably the only Nephilim to ever enter the Silent Brothers and then leave them. He's probably the only Nephilim to enter the Silent Brothers for no reason but to extend his life until a cure for his illness could be found. The second is that most of the Silent Brothers were killed by Valentine and the few who are left would probably be less than thrilled about one of the ones who survived just leaving like that.

I enjoyed this book, and this series, but I did not think the plot was as concrete as the first three books of the Mortal Instruments. It may have been slightly less predictable then the Mortal Instruments, but it was also weaker. While some of the supporting characters were excellent, particularly Jem, Charlotte and Henry, the other characters were not any better than the Mortal Instruments.
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review 2016-10-04 00:00
Clockwork Princess
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare So I reviewed Clockwork Angel and talked about how I despised Will for being a jerk and for being a Jace clone. But by the end of this series I was proven wrong on the jerk account (he is still a Jace clone though). It has been a very long time since a book made me cry, but this book made me cry. Not "teary" but full out weeping. This book is amazing despite the characters being clones and has revelations and emotion and action. I just really have issues with Cassandra Clare and the issues that surround her and her unwillingness to address them in any mature fashion. She also seems to just re-write the same characters. She gives them different names and faces but the same personalities. So for this reason, I couldn't bring myself to give that extra star. With that said James "Jem" Carstairs will probably remain one of my favorite Characters of all time.
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