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review 2019-06-30 22:01
Loving this
All-New Wolverine (2015-2018) #22 - Leinil Francis Yu,Barbara Taylor Bradford

So behind that it's from May 8th.   General anxiety, anxiety about my fellow Jews, depression, and stress have made it hard for me to really function, and either read or review for large swathes of time. 


Tom Taylor's Gabby is brilliant: innocent and hiarlious, full of heart and warmth while she's threatening anyone who wants to hurt her or her family.  


Far superior to the movie version of Gabby, although I'd been hoping she'd be another clone - this time of Laura Kinney, aka X-23 from the Logan movie and comics.   

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review 2019-06-24 18:51
Still free for kindle
Free Comic Book Day - Star Wars Adventures - Collectif Ulysse

Its free, so if you really love Star Wars you might want to check it out.  The best thing about it, however, is the cover.  It is a standard hero stranded on strange world, kid falls for droid tale that we have seen how many times  before.  The second story is another classic droid story.

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review 2019-06-12 15:12
Robotech: Free Comic Book Day 2019 - Simon Furman

I love Robotech, but this relaunch has a bit too much going in the deep end before you really get swimming.  If you have seen the series or the comics, then you should be fine and know what is going on. (you might not care, as I did). But if you are new to Robotech, this is not for you.

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review 2019-06-05 21:25
Cute but not quite what I was expecting
Ghost Rider X-Mas Special Infinite Comic #1 - Method Man,Balak

Robbie seemed off, I wasn't crazy about the art in this, and although it was cute, it was all a little too much in the end.  


'Cuz apparently it's an unwritten rule that Marvel has to get weird about Judaism and Christianity and that mythology...

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review 2019-06-05 20:54
Alright, So Ruckley's winning me over
Transformers (2019-) #4 - Brian Ruckley

He's still not at Roberts level, or hasn't reached the heights of Barber or Scott at their best, but he's winning me over.   It's more tense, it's better, it's not all fucking Rubble - who still annoys the crap out of me*, and Barricade is alive again.  Took a while to get there, but I'm glad I stuck out the first couple issues which I, quite frankly, hated after the MTMtE and LL runs.   (And yes, RiD, OP, TAAO, and all the one shots and trilogies were pretty damn good too.)


Look, this hasn't reached five star level - not even at issue six, which I've read.   (I'm still a month behind on reviews!)    But it's getting better. 


*look, if I want to see through anyone's eyes, it's not a baby OC, okay?   

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