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review 2017-04-24 17:05
No Rest for the Wicked - Rebecca Knight

Short story

Veronica's job is to help out people that appear to be part of fairytales with whatever violent means she needs. Lots of action for such a short story.

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review 2014-06-02 19:27
The MacKade Brothers ~ Devin and Shane

bookThe Heart of Devin MacKade #3

Author: Nora Roberts

Performed by Luke Daniels

Released July 2014 by Brilliance Audio

Category: Contemporary Fiction, Paranormal, Romance


'Sheriff Devin MacKade has always known his destiny was to serve and protect the small town of Antietam, Maryland—and for a long while he thought that future would include Cassie Connor. But when Cassie married the wrong man, Devin did the honorable thing and kept his feelings to himself. Now that Cassie’s divorced, Devin can finally follow his heart. Question is, can Cassie?'


It was pretty obvious that Devin and Cassie were going to end up with each other at some point even though, after twelve years of just being her friend, Devin thought Cassie was lost to him but still, I loved the story. It has a little more depth and emotion due to the subject matter of domestic violence and abuse, especially as children are involved.


'With his chin on his chest Connor turned to go outside. He knew what was coming, he was going to get whipped. His father had always done the hitting away from the house, away where his mother couldn’t see and wouldn’t know. He’d get a beating now for sure and it would be worse than his father had ever done to him…'


Nora Roberts is so good at writing scenes that pull at the heart-strings and I love the way Devin gains the trust and love of Cassie’s children. After first meeting a very subdued and downtrodden Cassie in Rafe and Reagan’s story, she has made a lot of progress since her divorce and Joe Dolin’s imprisonment. Working and living at the B&B has been especially good for her and her still emotionally scarred children. All is not plain sailing though as Joe plots and plans even as he appears to be the model prisoner.


Devin and Cassie’s story mirrors that of Abigail Barlow and the man she loves but Cassie makes sure it doesn’t end the same way. And the sad story of the two Corporals from the Battle of Antietam continues to be woven through. 



Shane MacKadeThe Fall of Shane MacKade #4

Author: Nora Roberts

Performed by Luke Daniels

Released: July 2014 by Brilliance Audio

Category: Contemporary Fiction, Paranormal, Romance


'Shane MacKade enjoyed everything about women—the look of them, the smell of them, the taste of them. So the last thing he expected was to become a one-woman man. And even more surprising is that it’s the Ph.D.-toting academic Rebecca McKnight who has him headed for a fall. Could Shane’s days as a bachelor be coming to an end?'


Shane, the youngest of the MacKade brothers, appeals to me as all the others have. He’s a free spirit, loves the farm, a ladies’ man who isn’t interested in settling down. He’s always tried to shut out the dreams he has and what they mean not wanting any part of the unsettling flashbacks from another time. 


When Dr Rebecca Knight, Reagan’s old college roommate, arrives to research the paranormal happenings for her book, Shane is thrown into turmoil on both levels. Rebecca feels an instant connection to the farm which is reinforced by her own vivid dreams. She is the link that completes the circle and Shane falls hard.


‘I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I didn’t want to, but you changed everything.’

‘I love you, Rebecca. Oh god, I love you. And I have to sit down’


The passages going back in time to the war are haunting (forgive the pun) and described so vividly it’s heartbreaking. And the epilogue is the perfect ending. 

I really enjoyed this series, the characters are very believable with real feelings. The family ties and bonds are a huge part of why I love these stories and it’s so nice to have totally male men who are family orientated and obviously loving it. Nora Roberts is so good at creating moving and wonderful scenarios that just make you love the characters.

The emotion Luke Daniels puts into his performances, especially so in Devin’s story, is outstanding and intensifies the drama and the feelings each has for their partners and the others in the family. I hope you keep on doing what you’re doing, Mr Daniels, it’s magic.


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review 2011-08-28 00:00
No Rest for the Wicked
No Rest for the Wicked - Rebecca Knight No Rest for the Wicked - Rebecca Knight

Read This Review & More Like It AtAgeless Pages Reviews

First, this book is only two short stories and three ads. Second, the stories just aren't very well written. It seemed like there could be a good idea, although not overly original, in a detective agency/task force devoted to cleaning up fairy tale villains. Unfortunately, neither the world, nor Veronica, are given any depth, background, character... Are these villains modeling themselves after classic fairy tales? Is this a world where the Grimm brothers never released their collection of stories, instead passing them down to their some odd-great granddaughter? I'm thinking harder than the author bothered to. Spoilers below.

The first story is too short. Even for a short story, it was an excerpt. The fight was poorly written and hard to follow and we never uncover the villain's motivation. In the classic Bluebeard, the characters signature facial hair represented the fact that he was otherworldly. In most versions, this is the only outward warning of his hideous nature. He's usually charismatic, kind, and loving until his wife betrays his trust. In this version, he's a skeezy guitar player who is lewd and has a shitty tattoo. 

The second is longer and better written, but fraught with logical inaccuracies. First, Whitney Snow has run away from home. She's been incredibly difficult to find. Except for the fact that she's a porn star specializing in midgets, a pretty uncommon progression, and HAS NOT BOTHERED TO CHANGE HER NAME. Yeah, no one with a modem and a basic knowledge of Google is ever going to find her. And then the step-mother's need for a heart. Modern medicine wept. 

I wouldn't pay more for it than I did: free.

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review 2011-07-10 00:00
No Rest for the Wicked
No Rest for the Wicked - Rebecca Knight No Rest for the Wicked - Rebecca Knight Really a 2.5. The first story is good, the second I didn't like.I'm conflicted about these stories. I'll admit, I didn't pay for it; it was offered free for the kindle.The first story concerns the hunting of a Bluebeard figure, and the modern tone feels right. It is well done. The writing and proofread, while not poetic, is good. I think what puts me off is that the stories seem to be trying too hard to few shocking. For some reason that doesn't work for me.Idea is excellent though.
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