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review 2014-12-26 23:20
The Naughty List
The Naughty List - Edward Lorn

I saved this one to read on Christmas morning and I was not disappointed!

A Christmas horror short, this is only about 10 pages long and took about 10 minutes to read. Santa is compelled to stop at a lonely, isolated house even though something about the house seems wrong. The Naughties have tried to trick Santa, but Santa and his reindeer know just what to do. Moral of the story, don't mess with Santa and reindeer games aren't what you think they are.


This can be my Christmastime book for Bingo, probably the last square I'll fill:

Source: stephaniesbookreviews.weebly.com
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review 2014-12-09 15:28
Review: The 100
The 100 - Kass Morgan

Initially when this first came out I wasn't that interested. It was only when my twitter feed exploded with most of the bloggers I follow fangirling over the tv show version of this book it got my attention again. I watched the pilot some time ago and wasn't impressed with it. (I'm told the show gets much better) but I wasn't sold so thought...I know! I'll read the book.


From what I gather book and TV show are quite different. I actually quite liked the book. The book was ridiculous in parts, the writing was very flowery and purple prosey and certain characters made me want to punch them. However silly the plot and the characters were, it was ridiculously addictive. The premise was interesting enough. Set several hundred years in the future, Earth has been uninhabitable for many centuries for reasons. The human race lives on giant spaceship colonies very harshly governed. 100 teenage criminals sent off to try and see its now inhabitable. Including the Chancellor's son and the daughter of two renowned (though executed) scientists.


Its told in a what's happening now and flashbacks which worked quite well. Centering around half a dozen main characters, the others - the "hundred" most seem to be filler. The main characters Clarke, Wells, Bellamy, Octavia, Glass and Luke. Aside from Luke, most of the boys in this book are utter idiots. Wells is thinking more with with a heart than a head and in spite of being fairly logical and the one people seem to turn to to handle things - a mix of emotions and stupid actions which were a huge WTF by the time the end came. Bellamy is obsessed with protecting his perfect baby sister Octavia and completely blind to anything negative about her.  Glass is a spoiled rich girl who falls in love with guard Luke. Luke was the most level headed male character. Glass's actions in falling head over heels for him had some pretty grave consequences, but I think she was a much more likeable character than some the others.


The scientists' daughter Clarke, the heroine, was actually very likeable and levelheaded. Smart and sensible, like all of them did some stupid things, but with her it was easier to overlook, because I liked her more.


The plot had some good twists and turns and got pretty good towards the end and the end was one fantastic cliffhanger. So in spite of the stupid things that made me want to throw things, it was very enjoyable to read. So I now have a DVD of the tv show, and the next book in the series.


Also crossing off a square for Holiday Bingo - the freebie star.

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review 2014-12-09 11:51
Review: Echo (Soul Seeks #2)
Echo - Alyson Noel

Not as good as the first book, I must admit. But I like the series, so I have the next two books ready and waiting.


The second book picks up almost right where the first book left off. Our main character Daire is now working towards her destiny as a Soul Seeker and learning about her powers determined to defeat the evil Richter clan (the bad guys) and madly in love with her new boyfriend Dace Whitefeather (twin of evil villain Cade Richter) all have roles in some big prophecy.


I was quite surprised to see fairly early on, almost within the first hundred pages, something I didn't except, a very tastefully written sex scene, romantic and very well written. Which turned out to be a big turning point for the plot. No details as it would be very spoilery.


But shortly after the love affair is deemed doomed, and Daire and Dace spend the rest of the book in an oh no we love each other desperately but we can't be together because prophecy and doom and blah blah blah. And figuring out how to beat the bad guy when all they want is to be together.


Where in the first book Daire's speshul snowflake status repeated over and over drove me up the wall, (its not so bad in this second installment) what drove me up the wall in this one was how they go on and on about how evil Cade is. Cade's dialogue is laughable to the point of (to borrow a phrase) "taken the leap from every day villany to cartoonish super-villany".


What I absolutely love about this story is the setting and the Native American mythology. The mythology worked in is fascinating and its very compelling seeing how each character has a part to play and how it all works together. Despite the fact that everyone seems determined to translate various prophecies to their own needs and ignore everything else.


A damn good cliffhanger at the end.


Crosses off a square for Holiday Bingo - Native American MC

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2014-12-09 11:43
Review: Venom (Secrets of the Eternal Rose)
Venom - Fiona Paul

A bit of cover lust got my attention for this one, plus YA murder mystery in Renaissance Venice? A must have.


The first 150 pages or so were quite good, intriguing. The mystery was fairly compelling, even if the main character did make me roll my eyes a lot. I just didn't like her. By the middle of the book, I found myself constantly wanting to slap her. She was irritating and whiny. Some of it, I could understand. Given the time period and the girl's upper class social standing. She's trapped and doesn't have a whole lot of choice, her future has been decided for her, a husband picked out. And while he seemed like a nice enough guy, oh look - she's met a handsome artist who immediately grabs her attention.



**Very mild plot spoilers**

She came across, at least to me, as whiny. She was forever going on about how caged she felt. Which as I said, I could sort of understand. The girl discovers a mystery and a dead body where it shouldn't be and at least kudos to her, she and her new artist friend do put their heads together to try and solve this. She ventures out of her comfort zone into the darker parts of Venice. At one point disguising herself as courtesan. Though when she gets there, all she does is bitch about the lifestyle and slut shames. And goes back to whining about being trapped like a bird in a gilded cage. Urg. No. She also spends a large amount of timing running around not doing much and then feinting when things get too much. Also annoying.

(spoiler show)


The new love interest, the artist, is a mystery in himself, with some disturbing secrets. But there are way too many questions presented, which our main character, seems to just...accept before getting into her head to start asking questions. It was the same thing over and over. And got tiring very fast.


So while I loved the setting, the story itself did not work for me. Not a series I will be continuing.


Crosses off a square for Holiday Bingo - A Historical.


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review 2014-12-04 01:20
Seldom Come By
Seldom Come By - Sherryl Caulfield

Rebecca Crowe and her family live in a small town in Newfoundland.  Rebecca loves to watch the icebergs float by on the ocean.  One day while spotting icebergs, Rebecca sees a small boat floating, when she paddles out to get the boat, she finds a shipwrecked man.  When the man, Samuel,  wakes, Rebecca is the first person he sees.  Samuel feels indebted to the Crow family for his survival and stays to help them throughout his recovery.  Though Samuel is nineteen and Rebecca is fourteen, Samuel finds common ground with Rebecca.  When the Great War begins, Samuel must return home to Toronto. However, the Crowe family and Rebecca stay in his mind and Samuel returns to them three years later to find a grown Rebecca and renew their spark.  

An absolutely astonishing, epic historical romance.  As someone who is not always fond of romances, this book kept me interested the whole way through.  The beautiful descriptions brought me to the distinct landscape of the Newfoundland coast, also the details of different icebergs brought out their beauty, uniqueness and made them a gorgeous setting for a romance.  The characters are developed with intensity and emotion. Rebecca is joyful, adventurous and hard working with a strong sense of wonder, making her easy to identify with and ride her wave of emotions as the book advances.  The historical aspects of the story were also gripping.  It was interesting to see Canada's involvement in the Great War and the impacts it had on the country.  There is also a point of view from the trenches, read through Samuel's brother, Matthew's point of view that is raw and honest. Seldom Come By is an emotional roller coaster of a story that is high in anticipation from page to page.

This book was provided for free in return for an honest review. 


For Holiday Bookish Bingo....snow on the cover

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