Delighted to be selected as the Indie Book of the Day Award winner for 2nd of January, 2015 :-)
When he watched his would-be wife die, that's when he snapped. When he sat there, newly alone as her last beat pulsed through her veins. He knew that, while powerless, he was still somehow completely responsible for every dimming shade of blue that leaked from her beautifully bloodstained eyes. That's when all this began.
That's when this rebellion really started. That's what lead to the awakening of a people who's brains had been washed so clean, that killing their fellow cyclamen to become part of the "City Guard" didn't seem too foul. It's what made the young women second guess becoming one of the "Esteemed" ladies of the Inner circle.
Her withering heart is how this story begins and is how New San Francisco ends.
Please let me know what you think!!!!!
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When Johnny watched his would-be wife die, knowing that he was the one responsible for every dimming shade of blue that leaked from those beautiful bloodstained eyes; that's when he finally snapped.
That's when this rebellion really started. That's what lead to the awakening of a people who's brains had been washed so clean, that killing their fellow cyclamen to become part of the "City Guard" didn't seem too foul. It's what lead the young women to second guess becoming one of the "Esteemed" prostitutes of the Inner circle.
Her withering heart is how this story begins and is how New San Francisco, truly ends.