Reached my limit on how much of today I would spend examining followers for spam/phishing accounts so went over to Leafmarks to continue going through ebooks at least on my own devices.
I like their librarian features so far. (Okay, they need groups/clubs/rooms and a librarian group where readers can request edits instead of me just editing my own books). They already, in my opinion do some things easier or more sensibly than goodreads.

For example, merging a duplicate edition (which does not delete reviews, shelvings or ratings) ask which edition to merge into. That's sounds minor but on goodreads merge automatically moved reviews to the most popular edition instead of letting you merge audio editions to audio editions, ebook to ebook, etc.
Still a chore and going to be a lot of work; but, I feel like my time was better spent. I loathe that I wasted so many librarian edits over the years on goodreads contributing to their database and database compliance only to see the amazon data feed destroy. No, I am not going to feel stupid years from now when all these sites I am adding data to get databases to compete with goodreads then gets taken over by amazon because I want to use a site now with a good database (goodreads' is becoming more and more useless by the day).