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photo 2021-10-14 20:35

For all you Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans -- win and wear the ultimate answer


Why 42?

Forty-two is the answer to life, the universe and everything, in Douglas Adams’s masterpiece, a surreal and goofy romp through the universe.


Enter now!


Why giveaway this?

Because I think that fans of HHGTTG will also enjoy my new book, Alpha Max: An Existential Romp through an Absurd Multiverse. Now, I’m not saying Alpha Max is as funny HHGTTG, because that’s a pretty high bar.


However, I have some earlier reviewers compare this work to that of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and also Kurt Vonnegut. The winner will also receive a signed, first edition copy of my new book!


cover image of Alpha Max by Mark A. Rayner

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review 2019-05-06 18:44
More effective than laughing gas
Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams

I visited Douglas Adams' grave at Highgate and partook in the tradition of leaving a pen. I'm not sure why that's done by so many. Were Adams' pens always running out of ink? I would have left a towel, but I didn't have one with me.


Call me an idiot (I've been called worse) but until recently I didn't know there were four books in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I remember chortling on bus journeys while reading this first two, so I recently picked up books three and four to find out whether I would be equally enamoured.
I've just finished book three - "Life, the universe and everything" and plenty of chortling occurred.
Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect are tasked with saving the Galaxy from a bunch of "really sweet" xenophobes who are obsessed with killing everything that isn't Krikkit. But it's the puns and wordplay that really make Adams' books great. The plot is secondary or tertiary and frequently forgotten or side-lined.
Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the perfect series of books to read when life starts to feel too serious and you start channelling Marvin the Robot. Book four next.
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text 2018-09-06 18:20
House Cleaning

... well, figuratively speaking.


RL has been both busy and more than just mildly annoying lately, as a result of which I'm behind on everything from updates to reviews to just plain responding to people (sorry!); not to mention that I also still haven't had time to select and acquire stickers for my super-pretty physical Halloween card.  Thankfully I've spent quite a bit of time driving during the last couple of days, which otherwise would be something I'd deplore, but which around Bingo time, of course, is a blessing in disguise because ... audiobooks!


So, now that I'm finally caught up -- for the moment at least -- on the recent goings-on on this site, I'm somewhat belatedly going to wrap up Summer of Spies (which was both a rousing success and a whole lot of fun, so thank you to Wanda and Moonlight for coming up with the idea!) and get up-to-date with my bingo reads.  Not all of this will be happening today ... but even though I'm probably going to be stuck in conference rooms for the better part of the next week (and weekend) again, I hope I'm at least going to be able to dip my hand in here at least occasionally.


On to more pleasant things -- such as all things bingo!


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review 2018-06-01 15:42
Life, the Universe and Everything (Hitchhiker's Guide, #3) - Douglas Adams

Pendant ce temps, sur la Terre, la pluie s'était mise à tomber à seaux et Arthur Dent, assis au fond de sa grotte, passait l'une des soirées les plus pourries de toute son existence, à ressasser tout ce qu'il aurait pu répondre à l'étranger, tout en écrasant les mouches qui passaient également une soirée pourrie.


Le petit bonhomme opina avec enthousiasme.
"Un peu plus tard, on me jette par-dessus le bord d'un astronef, toujours vêtu de ma robe de chambre. Au lieu du scaphandre auquel on se serait normalement attendu. Peu après, je découvre que ma planète a été construite à l'origine par un ramassis de souris. Vous pouvez imaginer l'effet que ça m'a fait. Sur quoi, on me tire dessus un bon nombre de fois et je me fais copieusement démolir. A vrai dire, on m'a, avec une fréquence qui en devient ridicule, démoli, tiré dessus, insulté, on m'a régulièrement désintégré et privé de thé et, tout récemment encore, je me suis écrasé dans un marécage et j'ai dû passer cinq années au fond d'une grotte humide.
- Ah! pétilla le petit homme, et vous vous êtes bien amusé?"
Arthur s'étrangla violemment avec sa boisson.
"Ah! quelle toux absolument épatante! s'extasia le petit homme, tout à fait étonné. Vous permettez que je me joigne à vous?"
"C'est si revigorant, haleta le petit homme en essuyant ses yeux embués de larmes. Quelle existence passionnante devez-vous mener.
Merci de tout cœur."

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text 2017-10-04 02:22
Halloween Bingo 2017 - Aliens
Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams

And that was just the light relief I needed.


Damn, I miss Douglas Adams. His views on deadlines are very similar to my own.


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