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text 2016-10-05 15:55
Blog Tour Stop for Murder Strikes a Pose by Tracy Weber with Interview and Giveaway



Today’s post is for Tracy Weber’s Murder Strikes a Pose . We will have info about the books and author. A great interview with Tracy. As well as a great giveaway. Make sure to check everything out and enter the giveaway.

Also, join us for the virtual launch party where we will have games, prizes, so much fun and .... a live Q&A with the author!!!


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Happy Reading :) 





When George and Bella―a homeless alcoholic and his intimidating German shepherd―disturb the peace outside her studio, yoga instructor Kate Davidson’s Zen-like calm is stretched to the breaking point. Kate tries to get rid of them before Bella scares the yoga pants off her students. Instead, the three form an unlikely friendship.

One night Kate finds George’s body behind her studio. The police dismiss his murder as a drug-related street crime, but she knows George wasn’t a dealer. So Kate starts digging into George’s past while also looking for someone to adopt Bella before she’s sent to the big dog park in the sky. With the murderer nipping at her heels, Kate has to work fast or her next Corpse Pose may be for real.



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Tell us about your writing - What genre do you prefer to write? What books, stories, other publications that you've written are your personal favorites? Anything new coming up?


So far I’ve only written cozy mysteries, though I have an idea for a sci-fi/dystopian standalone. I’m not sure I’ll ever actually write that novel, but who knows? I will always have a special affection for my first book, Murder Strikes a Pose, because in addition to being a mystery, it’s the love story between Kate and her special needs German shepherd, Bella.  I’m so excited that it’s finally out in audio.

I also write for a number of blogs.  My personal blog is at http://www.wholelifeyoga.com/blog/.  The weekly articles showcase my love of yoga, dogs and mystery.  But mainly yoga and dogs!



What about you as a person? What do you do to relax? Favorite movies or tv shows? Hobbies?


I’m a yoga teacher, so how can I not say yoga! In addition to practicing yoga, however, I relax by walking my dog. Being with her in nature makes me realize how much joy can be found in the small things in life. Sipping Blackthorn Cider at my favorite ale house comes in a close second. 

I don’t have many hobbies, but I watch an embarrassing about of television.  Right now my two favorite series are Brain Dead and The Walking Dead.  Hmm…I’m sensing a theme here…



What gets your creative juices going? Do you write to a music, and do you want to share your playlist?


Being in nature sparks my inner muse.  I can’t concentrate with music in the background, so I have no favorite playlists.  These days I even drive listening to audio books, so I’m not current on music.  But my favorite artist two years ago was Mika.  His music is upbeat and I love the lyrics.



"All writers must have cats, especially if they write fantasy or speculative fiction." Do you have a stand on this one? Any cute pictures of your kitty or other pet?


I’ve owned well over 100 cats in my life. (I’m not kidding—I grew up on a farm, and cats used to follow me like kids after the Pied Piper) My last kitty, Maggie, died almost two years ago of lymphoma.  Tasha, the German shepherd that inspired my mystery series, died of old age this past summer.  This is one of my favorite photos of her.




Now, I share my life with my newest love, German shepherd puppy Ana.  I love this photo of the two of us, taken the morning we met in this past August.  She was six weeks old at the time.  She is obviously the more photogenic of the two of us.





What organizations do you recommend for those wanting to become writers? Any advice you'd like to share about writing?


Sisters in Crime is a great organization for crime writers, and I especially recommend their Guppies group. Other than that, hook up with local writers groups and writing organizations.  If you live in the Seattle area, I highly recommend the Pacific Northwest Writers Association.

As for advice, my biggest is don’t give up!  Writing is a tough, tough business. You have to have perseverance and a very thick skin to succeed.





Tracy Weber is the author of the award-winning Downward Dog Mysteries series featuring yoga teacher Kate Davidson and her feisty German shepherd, Bella. Her first book, Murder Strikes a Pose won the Maxwell Award for Fiction and was 2015 Agatha award nominee for Best First Novel. The third book in her series, Karma's a Killer, will released January, 2016 by Midnight Ink.
Tracy and her husband live in Seattle with their challenging yet amazing German shepherd Tasha. When she’s not writing, Tracy spends her time teaching yoga, walking Tasha, and sipping Blackthorn cider at her favorite ale house. 
Sign up for her monthly newsletter including mystery recommendations, yoga tips, and series news at http://tracyweberauthor.com/newsletter




Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/blog-tour-stop-murder-strikes-post-tracy-weber-interview-giveaway
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review 2014-09-05 08:08
Murder Strikes a Pose (Downward Dog Mystery, #1)
Murder Strikes a Pose - Tracy Weber

Nope.  This one is not for me.


When George, a homeless alcoholic, and his loud, horse-sized German shepherd, Bella, start hawking newspapers outside her studio,Yoga instructor and studio owner Kate attempts to convince them to leave. Instead, the three strike up an unlikely friendship.

Then Kate finds George's dead body. The police dismiss it as a street crime, but Kate knows he was no drug dealer. Now she must solve George's murder and find someone willing to adopt his intimidating companion before Bella is sent to the big dog park in the sky. 


The writing is very good, but I could not get on-board with the characters or the MC's investigatory style.  She was pushy, obnoxious and embarrassing.  She made it plain she thought the police were stupid and lazy.  The romance was...weird.  It felt like an editor chopped out the entire middle part of the courtship.  After one date he "forbids" her from further involving herself in the murder and towards the end they have a conversation about their relationship going forward.  Really?  After one date?  I have been known to move fast, but I'm pretty sure I waited until at least 2 or 3 dates before I participated in any "relationship" conversations.


The mystery plot was also weak.  The murderer wasn't at all a surprise, but I'm pretty sure there were never any clues given to the reader, or more importantly, Kate.  She just sort of mentally (I guess, it wasn't out loud, anyway) figured it out.  The plot just didn't feel well structured.


I liked Bella and I liked that the author chose a dog with very real challenges and didn't surgar-coat them.  Having made insanely expensive commitments to my cats' health in the past, I appreciate Ms Weber creating an owner/pet relationship that isn't just about food/walk/water/bath and yearly vaccinations.


The author is not without talent, and I think this book might be better enjoyed by others.  It's just not my style of cozy.

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review 2014-08-09 18:18
Quick Review: Murder Strikes a Pose
Murder Strikes a Pose - Tracy Weber

I am reading Murder Strikes a Pose for the second time, but am doing a quick review now because the title is currently on SUPER SALE at Amazon - The Kindle edition, normally around $8.40 is being sold for $1.99.  The sale started yesterday (8/8/14), but is continuing today.  It may end any time, so check it out.


Link to Murder Strikes a Pose


I enjoyed Murder Strikes a Pose a lot.  The author, Tracy Weber, is clever enough to follow the Susan Conant style of dog writing...  Her heroine is Kate, who owns a Yoga Studio.  Kate adopts Bella, a reactive German Shepherd.  And then Kate doesn't just throw Bella in the back yard.  She works with a dog trainer to get exercises to address her reactivity.


And that reactivity doesn't instantly get cured.  She also works with a veterinarian to address physical issues - issues that take time (and expensive medication) to address. 


Before the characters even start thinking about solving the murder of Bella's previous owner, they and their stories are real, believable and interesting. 


The book is a deal at its normal Kindle price, but the $1.99 sale is fantastic! 


(Longer Review will follow...  I'm going to get through a couple of other series first!)

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review 2013-08-25 00:00
Murder Strikes a Pose (A Downward Dog Mystery)
Murder Strikes a Pose - Tracy Weber Tracy Weber writes with wit and irony and this is a funny and fun loving story.

In a nutshell this book falls short of satisfaction. The story is all about the dog Bella, George the homeless guy, and Kate the yoga instructor. You are left wanting more and the book feels like it ends without getting to know the characters.

The big negative for me is that there is very little character development. The relationships are fast paced and quite honestly the only character that is completely understood and is a logical fit is Jake.

Breakdown Review:

Storyline: I give 3 out of 5 stars fast, exciting, and yet quite predictable, however, there is a cliff hanger at the end that doesn't make sense because you don't even know what happens to Bella.

Writing style: 4 out of 5 stars. A very easy and fast paced read. Would be fine for young teens. There is only one somewhat boring romantic scene. I would definitely read more from Tracy Weber.

Depth/Inspiration: 3 out of 5 stars. Despite the flaws this book is bound to inspire the creative gene in others. It is about the salvation of the dog Bella.

Entertainment/Education value: 3 out of 5 stars. Not as entertaining as the book cover would lead it to be. It was an "ok" story but the book cover has a very funny, comical and entertaining picture and feel to it that is sure to sell the product. I give the cover a 5 star rating without a doubt.
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