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review 2019-11-17 20:53
Breath of Passion (The Muse Chronicles) (Volume 3) - Lisa Kessler

This one was very enjoyable. The plot is continuing to develop in the series, this one has two surprises in it that I wasn’t expecting, one of which had me tearing up at the end. The characters were interesting and well developed and I liked their story while we continued to deal with the followers of Kronos and then her ex-boyfriend, which added more depth to the conflict. I liked it. The passion was a bit more tamely described than I like, but it was there and good. I look forward to more in the series, especially Mikolas’ story. Can’t wait for that one!

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text 2019-10-25 19:55
Weekend reads and a poll
The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest - G. Weston DeWalt,Anatoli Boukreev
The Muse - Jessie Burton
The Gospel of Loki - Joanne M Harris
The Master - Colm Tóibín
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Longbourn - Jo Baker

It´s finally friday and I don´t have any plans for this weekend besides reading. Which is my favorite kind of weekend, tbh. 


BT and I are doing a buddy read of Anatoli Boukreev´s "The Climb" and I´m so excited to get started on a non fiction read. I just love a good mountaineering story and I hope this is going to be a good one. I certainly look forward to the transcript of the Mountain Madness Everest debriefing, which is at the back of the book.


And I got some new books over the last couple of weeks and who am I kidding, I want to read them all. So I thought I would let you decide what book I should pick up next after having finished "The Climb" and Pratchetts "Pyramids".


So here is the poll, which I will keep open until I have finished all my ongoing reads:


What should I read next?
The Muse
The Master
The Gospel of Loki
The Night Circus
I´m waiting with bated breath whether or not the poll is working (ETA: it´s working). So feel free to vote and have a lovely weekend everyone.
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review 2019-10-21 17:04
Perfect for Progressives
The Tenth Muse - Catherine Chung


The Tenth Muse, Catherine Chung, author; Cassanda Campbell, narrator

This book is a fairly good representation of the books today that are being presented as literature when really they are treatises on liberal policies. Authors are chosen because of diversity and books are chosen for the progressive issues they put forth and support. American readers are slowly being brainwashed, I fear, to believe that everyone is oppressed for one reason or another.

In this book, a woman likens herself to the Tenth Muse of Greek Mythology. There were thought to be only nine, but the Tenth Muse disappeared from history because she did not want to be the inspiration for man, but rather wanted to be herself, her own inspiration, her own successful individual. She left her world to join the real world, and in every generation, there is a woman just like her, achieving and fighting for her rightful place.

In this book, Katherine, similarly named to the author although with a different first letter, is also of similar descent. Katherine is biracial. Her mother was Chinese, she believes. However, that myth is put to rest at the end of the book. Of course she is not only brilliant, she is magnificent looking and admired as she passes, although she believes she is being ogled and ridiculed, most often, for her different appearance and heritage.

This is not a man’s book. It is definitely geared to women who feel that life has cheated them in some way, that men have cheated them in some way.

The most interesting parts of the book are the pieces of history, the development of math theories (although many were way over my head like the Reimann hypothesis and the Hilbert’s eighth problem, the ferry riddle intrigued me), the Greek history of famous women like Hypatia whom I had never heard of, although her story ended badly, beaten to a pulp by an angry Christian mob. This fits in perfectly with today’s liberal effort to downplay religious fervor. The coverage of the Holocaust was used once again to show the positive side of women, the bravery of women, and other challenging moments illustrating the lack of women’s rights because of abusive males.

For the most part, however, this novel felt contrived to me. All the women who were exceptional were either “genderless” in the way they behaved and dressed or absolutely the top of the class and could pass for models. The novel did not feel as if it was representing the need for equality, but rather it was representing the need for superiority because women were, in most cases the brightest bulbs in the box presented. The men were weak and dishonest. The men used the women to get ahead at the expense of the women they pretended to inspire, love or appreciate.

Are the superlative reviews due to what seems like a progressive agenda expressed on every page? Katherine was not likable. She was arrogant and filled with an unjustified hubris. She did not seem to understand the meaning of humility and constantly expected to be praised and to be the smartest one in the class or lecture or whatever venue in which she appeared. Although she complained about lack of rights, she rose to the top without much effort. Life seemed to smile upon her. She seemed to take her own rude and cruel behavior very lightly while she slammed others for theirs. She was also portrayed as this naïve young girl, when someone who was so bright and so immersed in education could not have logically been that ignorant to the ways of the world around her. The reader is expected to sympathize with her plight because she is a woman and comes from a family of immigrants and she is of a different race.

Throughout the book, Katherine lamented her place in the world. She suffered. Men had it all. She showed no gratitude for any gifts that came her way, seemed unable to truly care about anyone above her own needs. At the very end, she seemed to begin to understand the definition of humility but for me, it came too late. She got where she did because of the good graces of many people, and fair or unfair, she showed no appreciation for her good fortune and did not seem to help others to achieve the same goal. She always blamed others for her own behavior and naivete. Yet we are supposed to believe she is very innocent as she sleeps with her advisors and professors who, of course, take advantage of her purity. In the end, she even wants to put her own needs before her best friend’s needs and loses her friendship too. She feels safer in Germany, in spite of what they did, than she did in America. This fits right in with the current progressive view that America is not on the side of good, but rather is evil.

The book covers racial discord, civil rights, anti-semitism immigration issues, homosexuality, gender issues, (even her female best friend has a name representing our modern definitions of sexual identity, she calls herself Henry which is not a feminine name).

The novel seems to pit the myth of Guan Yin vs the myth of The Tenth Muse. The Buddhist is selfless and genderless, wishes to serve others, a symbol of emptiness filled with compassion, and the unknown Greek Muse is self interested and independent, definitely female and definitely demanding her rightful place in the universe. The reader will have to decide which side of the coin they prefer or perhaps they will see that one way alone, is not the right way. There has to be some sort of compromise for fulfillment in life.

Perhaps my negative feelings about the book arose from the narrator’s reading which emphasized certain attributes of the character in ways I found disturbing. Still, rather than a literary endeavor, I thought the book descended into a romantic novel which fit into the category of Chick Lit. The story revolved around Katherine’s love life and feelings about men.

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text 2019-05-01 15:19
Jaki jest NAJMNIEJSZY czytnik książek? RANKING urządzeń z ekranem sześć cali

Choć w ostatnich miesiącach pojawiło się sporo czytników z ekranem większym niż najpowszechniejsze sześć cali, to jest wciąż grupa osób, które szukają czegoś standardowego lub mniejszego. Ostatnio poproszono mnie o poradę w tej sprawie. Jeśli stoicie przed podobnym wyzwaniem, mam dobrą wiadomość – poniższe zestawienie.


Kobo Clara HD

Najmniejszy czytnik z rodziny Kobo - Kobo Clara HD


Oczywiście w czytniku nie jest najważniejszy rozmiar obudowy. Ale obok jakości i rozmiaru ekranu oraz kultury pracy, to jeden z elementów branych pod uwagę przy wyborze. Miło mieć w rękach, coś co zostało dobrze zaprojektowane. „Małe” nie znaczy od razu „dobre”, ale mobilność (poręczność) jest wciąż jednym z argumentów przemawiających za czytnikami. Na przykład osoba użytkująca recenzowany przeze mnie egzemplarz Kobo Mini, nie chce wymienić tego czytnika na inny m.in. ze względu na brak na rynku czegoś z małym ekranem. Optymalne rozwiązanie w tym przypadku to owe Kobo Mini z ekranem o wysokiej rozdzielczości i wbudowanym oświetleniem. Pomarzyć można, ale realia rynkowe jednak są trochę inne...


Postanowiłem więc przyglądnąć się bieżącej ofercie czytników pod kątem ich rozmiarów i masy. Pominąłem smartfony z ekranem E-Ink oraz kiepskie czytniki, których sam bym nie polecił. Poniższe zestawienie zawiera dostępne aktualnie urządzenia z ekranem o przekątnej sześciu cali (15,24 cm). Z oferty poszczególnych marek wybrałem czytniki z najmniejszą obudową. Jeśli w ofercie jest kilka identycznych modeli pod względem rozmiarów, uwzględniłem sprzęt lepszy. Tak powstała niniejsza tabela zawierająca parametry modeli: Kobo Clara HD, PocketBook Touch HD 3, Tolino Shine 3, Cybook Muse HD oraz Kindle 10.


Najmniejsze czytniki z ekranem o przekątnej 6 cali


Kobo Clara HD


PocketBook Touch HD 3

(PB 632)

Tolino Shine 3

Cybook Muse HD

Kindle 10

ekran (przekątna)

15,24 cm (6”)

15,24 cm (6”)

15,24 cm (6”)

15,24 cm (6”)

15,24 cm (6”)

ekran [piksele]

E-Ink Carta

1448 × 1072

(300 ppi)

E-Ink Carta

1448 × 1072

(300 ppi)

E-Ink Carta

1448 × 1072

(300 ppi)

E-Ink Carta

1448 × 1072

(300 ppi)

E-Ink Carta 800×600

(167 ppi)

płaski front






ekran dotykowy












wbudowane oświetlenie






regulacja temperatury barwowej oświetlenia


(ComfortLight PRO)







pamięć wewnętrzna [GB]






gniazdo kart pamięci






procesor [GHz]


1,0 (dwurdzeniowy)




pamięć RAM [MB]






masa [g]






wymiary [mm]

159,6 × 110 × 8,35

161,3 × 108 × 8

156,4 × 110,2 × 8,35

155 × 116 × 8

160 × 113 × 8,7

fizyczne przyciski zmiany stron






czujnik zamknięcia okładki








tak (MP3, M4B)

przez adapter lub BT



tak (tylko ze sklepu Audible) przez BT

kolor obudowy


miedziany, szary



czarny, biały

dodatkowe uwagi

Pocket (przesyłanie stron WWW)

bezprzewodowa wysyłka Send-to-PocketBook, Dropbox, akcelerometr, TTS (Ivona), polskie menu, wodoodporność, Legimi

synchronizacja postępów czytania poprzez Tolino Cloud, 25 GB w chmurze na własne pliki

polskie menu

synchronizacja postępów czytania poprzez konto w Amazonie, bezprzewodowa wysyłka Send to Kindle

premiera rynkowa [rok]






cena katalogowa

129,99 EUR

(ok. 560 PLN)

699 PLN

119 EUR

(ok. 510 PLN)

139,90 EUR

(ok. 605 PLN)

93,01 EUR

(ok. 400 PLN)


Ale na zestawieniu nie skończyłem. Postanowiłem pokazane powyżej rozmiary czytników przełożyć na coś bardziej wymiernego. Na pierwszy ogień poszła powierzchnia frontu. Zestawienie (od najmniejszego do największego) zawarłem w poniższej tabeli.



Powierzchnia [cm2]

Tolino Shine 3


PocketBook Touch HD 3


Kobo Clara HD


Cybook Muse HD


Kindle 10



Jak na załączonym obrazku widać, różnice nie są wielkie. Choć w sumie 8,5 cm2 różnicy między (pierwszym) Tolino Shine 3 a (ostatnim) Kindle 10 to już zauważalna wielkość.


Kindle 10

Kindle 10 - najmniejszy czytnik z rodziny Kindle


Ale skoro już mowa o najmniejszym i poręcznym czytniku, to postanowiłem pójść dalej za ciosem. Uporządkowałem czytniki kolejno także pod kątem objętości i masy. Za kolejne miejsca przyznawałem punkty (za pierwsze 5, za ostatnie 1). Maksymalnie czytnik mógł więc uzyskać 15 punktów, a minimalnie 3. Końcowy „ranking” wygląda trochę inaczej, niż porównanie wielkości obudowy.



Punktacja (im więcej tym lepiej)

PocketBook Touch HD 3


Tolino Shine 3


Kobo Clara HD


Cybook Muse HD


Kindle 10



Przyznam, że końcowy wynik był dla mnie lekkim zaskoczeniem. Nie spodziewałem się, że najbardziej zaawansowany czytnik, wyposażony dodatkowo w fizyczne klawisze, zajmie pierwsze miejsce. Tymczasem PocketBook Touch HD 3 okazał się niekwestionowanym zwycięzcą.


PocketBook Touch HD 3

Zwycięzca rankingu - PocketBook Touch HD 3


Zwycięzca – PocketBook Touch HD 3

Zwycięski PocketBook Touch HD 3 nie ma się czego powstydzić nie tylko pod względem wielkości czy masy, ale i parametrów. To wszechstronnie wyposażony czytnik, który powinien zaspokoić różnorodne potrzeby czytelnicze. To na przykład jedyny w zestawieniu czytnik wodoodporny czy obsługujący wypożyczalnię Legimi. Zainteresowanych zachęcam do lektury mojej recenzji tego modelu. Niestety jest to też w zestawienia czytnik najdroższy. Ale jeśli poręczność, rozmiar i waga czytnika jest ważna, to w identycznej obudowie są także dwa inne, tańsze modele PocketBooka. Mam namyśli Touch Lux 4 oraz Basic Lux 2.

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review 2019-04-28 05:37
I Promised Myself To Not Struggle Finishing With Books Anymore
The Muse of Nightmares - Laini Taylor

Quitting @20%- (audiobook) I just keep losing interest. I find myself ignoring the audio completely. I am putting it aside I may come back some day or not.

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