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text 2018-06-16 05:31
Pastor Chris Is Leading The 2018 Holy Land Tour

The 2018 Holy Land Tour comes with much more excitement than the previous edition. This year, we are humbled to host Pastor Chris and his spiritual crew at the helm of Israel. That’s right; the faithful man of God will be coming to the 2018 Holy Land Tour! We are privileged to host all the four tours simultaneously – First Timer Pilgrim Tour, First Timer Comprehensive Tour, Second Timer Comprehensive Tour, Third Timer Comprehensive Tour. The events, usually secluded to one particular tour, will be merged to the rest of the tours for a fruitful complete interaction with the faithful Man of God, Pastor Chris.



In the last tour, we had 9 days of fellowship; this years’ event coordination will be a little different. The merger will comprise of 11 days of exclusive interaction, 2 days longer than the previous. The two added days have been set aside for a new program, Higher Life Israel Program with Pastor Chris. This is the first ever of its kind. The tours are set to take place between 10th and 18th of May 2018.



All the four tours combined in this program will come with a set of already planned activities that will ensure full engagement and a life changing experience with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Renowned gospel artists are set to make way to the event to drive the worship program Expect guests such as Sinach and Martin PK plus much more at the worship center. The second timer comprehensive tourists will enjoy a wonderful experience in the Holy city while the third timer comprehensive tourists will spend three days in Jordan visiting Biblical sites and the city of Petra. Special ministrations are set to take place in the 9-day duration for all the tours in the program. These include communion at the Garden Tomb and worship at the Sea of Galilee with the Man of God. Get engaged in deep spiritual commitment and experience the power of worship. Meet amazing congregations and interact on a whole new level with the dear ones new in your life; an environment that will breathe new life to your current one and rejuvenate your soul.



Chris Oyakhilome will be accompanied by the Believers Love World (BLW) crew of which he is the President. Spiritual heads from within Israel will also be present for the entire 9 days and 8 nights scheduled for the event. This comes at a very critical time for Israel, with a lot of spiritual activities going on to commemorate Biblical events, and at a time when the US has just set its Embassy in Jerusalem. Also, Israel will be celebrating 70 years of independence; what a special time for the Holy City.



Guests will enjoy full pleasure of mass engagements and nights of commemoration and self-reflection, taking full advantage of the presence of powerful Christian Ministers. In these interactions, get to know Pastor Chris in a personal level. Let yourself into his shoes and feel his passion in spiritual works as seen from across the globe. This year’s event is surely unique in its own way and is tipped to become perhaps the greatest Christian Tour involvement in 2018. With the highlights aforementioned, the tour promises spiritual fulfillment to all its participants. It’s an unforgettable experience that will guide you to a new age of praise. Walk where Jesus walked and explore the ancient sculptures that depict His struggles.



During the tour the word will be Spread, and thus more people will be brought to witness God’s blessing on Earth, and in this enrich your life with great praise in the presence of amazing people. The tour will most certainly shine more light on the visitors and their loved ones and grant them peace to tackle on the rest of the year.



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text 2018-06-10 04:04
Pastor Chris Is Leading The 2018 Holy Land Tour

The 2018 Holy Land Tour comes with much more excitement than the previous edition. This year, we are humbled to host Pastor Chris and his spiritual crew at the helm of Israel. That’s right; the faithful man of God will be coming to the 2018 Holy Land Tour! We are privileged to host all the four tours simultaneously – First Timer Pilgrim Tour, First Timer Comprehensive Tour, Second Timer Comprehensive Tour, Third Timer Comprehensive Tour. The events, usually secluded to one particular tour, will be merged to the rest of the tours for a fruitful complete interaction with the faithful Man of God, Pastor Chris.



In the last tour, we had 9 days of fellowship; this years’ event coordination will be a little different. The merger will comprise of 11 days of exclusive interaction, 2 days longer than the previous. The two added days have been set aside for a new program, Higher Life Israel Program with Pastor Chris. This is the first ever of its kind. The tours are set to take place between 10th and 18th of May 2018.



All the four tours combined in this program will come with a set of already planned activities that will ensure full engagement and a life changing experience with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Renowned gospel artists are set to make way to the event to drive the worship program Expect guests such as Sinach and Martin PK plus much more at the worship center. The second timer comprehensive tourists will enjoy a wonderful experience in the Holy city while the third timer comprehensive tourists will spend three days in Jordan visiting Biblical sites and the city of Petra. Special ministrations are set to take place in the 9-day duration for all the tours in the program. These include communion at the Garden Tomb and worship at the Sea of Galilee with the Man of God. Get engaged in deep spiritual commitment and experience the power of worship. Meet amazing congregations and interact on a whole new level with the dear ones new in your life; an environment that will breathe new life to your current one and rejuvenate your soul.



Chris Oyakhilome will be accompanied by the Believers Love World (BLW) crew of which he is the President. Spiritual heads from within Israel will also be present for the entire 9 days and 8 nights scheduled for the event. This comes at a very critical time for Israel, with a lot of spiritual activities going on to commemorate Biblical events, and at a time when the US has just set its Embassy in Jerusalem. Also, Israel will be celebrating 70 years of independence; what a special time for the Holy City.



Guests will enjoy full pleasure of mass engagements and nights of commemoration and self-reflection, taking full advantage of the presence of powerful Christian Ministers. In these interactions, get to know Pastor Chris in a personal level. Let yourself into his shoes and feel his passion in spiritual works as seen from across the globe. This year’s event is surely unique in its own way and is tipped to become perhaps the greatest Christian Tour involvement in 2018. With the highlights aforementioned, the tour promises spiritual fulfillment to all its participants. It’s an unforgettable experience that will guide you to a new age of praise. Walk where Jesus walked and explore the ancient sculptures that depict His struggles.



During the tour the word will be Spread, and thus more people will be brought to witness God’s blessing on Earth, and in this enrich your life with great praise in the presence of amazing people. The tour will most certainly shine more light on the visitors and their loved ones and grant them peace to tackle on the rest of the year.


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review 2017-11-06 00:00
A Bride for Pastor Dan
A Bride for Pastor Dan - Katie Crabapple A fun contemporary Christian romance series. I wish Katie Crabapple would write more books!
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review 2017-09-01 04:44
Rezension | Blutpsalm von Meredith Winter
Blutpsalm: Liebeskrimi - Meredith Winter



In Sommerburg, einem Örtchen in Norddeutschland ist Jonathan Pastor der 800 Seelengemeinde. Die weiblichen Mitglieder der Gemeinde sind sehr darauf bedacht den jungen Pastor unter die Haube zu bringen, doch Jonathan hat sich selbst strikte Regeln auferlegt – nicht einmal ein Kuss soll vor der Hochzeit vergeben werden.


Als durch Zufall die attraktive Prostituierte Marlene in sein Leben tritt verändert sich alles auf einen Schlag. Während Jonathan sich Hals über Kopf in die hübsche Blondine verliebt, werden nach und nach die Freier von Marlene ermordet. Außerdem stellt sich heraus, dass Jonathans Weste nicht ganz so weiß ist, wie es scheint…


Meine Meinung


Der Ladythriller „Blutpsalm“ von Meredith Winter entführt den Leser in die 800 Seelengemeinde von Sommersburg und sorgt auf seinen etwas über 200 Seiten für kurzweilige, prickelnde Unterhaltung.


Durch den angenehmen Schreibstil der Autorin fällt es nicht schwer sich in der Geschichte einzufinden und die symphatischen sowie teils schrulligen Charaktere erledigen das Übrige. Jonathan und Marlene könnten auf den ersten Blick nicht unterschiedlicher sein, er der geradlinige Pastor mit Glaubenssätzen und gute Seele von Sommersburg, und sie die hemmungslose und reizende Prostituierte mit schrecklicher Vergangenheit. Doch bald wird klar, dass auch Jonathan keine blütenreine Vergangenheit hat. Aus diesem Duo ergibt sich bereits eine interessante und äußerst dymanische Mischung.


Sehr charmant sind die kleinen Einflüsse durch Jonathans Leidenschaft zu Jane Austens Romanen. Das spiegelt perfekt die moralischen Unterschiede zwischen den Hauptprotagonisten wieder, und genau wie bei Jane Austen wendet sich das scheinbare Blatt.


"Zufrieden mit sich und seinen hohen moralischen Ansprüchen schlug er Emma auf. Ja, er las Jane Austen." (Seite 11)


Als Kulisse dient die beschauliche und fiktive Gemeinde Sommersburg welche geradezu krotesk kleinbürgerlich anmutet. Doch genau durch die perfekte Zeichnung dieses Dorfes mit seinen Bewohnern hat Meredith Winter den passender Schauplatz für ihre Geschichte bereitet.


Im Vordergrund der tagebuchartigen Kapitel steht die mit knisternder Erotik versehene Liebesgeschichte zwischen Jonathan und Marlene. Durch die Mordfälle entsteht ein unterschwelliger Spannungsbogen der vor allem durch die spannenden „Cliffhanger“ an so manchem Kapitelende eine Sogwirkung entwickelt der man sich nur schlecht entziehen kann.


"Erst als der Badewannvorhang beisetegeschoben wurde, schreckte sie auf. […] Laut übertönte ihr Schrei das Prasseln der Brause, die sie in dieser Sekunde fallen ließ." (Seite 68)


Ein paar Kritikpunkte habe ich dann aber doch, denn der Hanldungsverlauf war zu temporeich für die gerade einmal zweihundert Seiten umfassende Geschichte. Dadurch wurde es an einigen Stellen holprig und unlogisch, ein gutes Lektorat hätte hierbei leicht für Abhilfe sorgen können. Für meinen Geschmack triftete die Liebesgeschichte zwischen Jonathan und Marlene zu oft ins kitschige ab und die Polizeiarbeit rückte zu sehr in den Hintergrund. Ich hätte mir hier eine ausgewogenere Mischung aus Lovestory und Thriller gewünscht. Möchte man in erster Linie eine leidenschaftliche Geschichte gewürzt mit Spannung lesen, ist man bei „Blutpsalm“ jedoch an der richtigen Adresse. Ich bin auf jeden Fall schon sehr gespannt, was wir von dieser vielversprechenden Autorin noch zu lesen bekommen werden!




Dieser Ladythriller fesselt durch einen reizvollen Plot und ansprechende Charaktere.

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/rezension-blutpsalm-von-meredith-winter
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text 2016-12-27 17:30
Top 10 Reads of 2016
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy - Eric Metaxas
Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors - Conn Iggulden
The Heretic - Henry Vyner-Brooks
How To Be A Tudor: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Everyday Life - Ruth Goodman
The Colour of Poison: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery (Volume 1) - Toni Mount
The Imp of Eye (Renaissance Sojourner Series Book 1) - Kristin Gleeson,Moonyeen Blakey
A Rule Against Murder - Louise Penny
Scythe - Neal Shusterman
Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania - Erik Larson
Salt to the Sea - Ruta Sepetys

I may have rated a few other books just as highly as these, but when I look through the 100 books that I read this year these are the ones that give me pause. Each of these books surprised me, challenged my way of thinking, uplifted me, or were extraordinarily memorable in their own way. It may seem easy to choose a top 10 for the year, but I am thankful that I've read so many fantastic books that this was a challenging task. To make it easier, I did not count re-reads (Pillars of the Earth) or books in the same series (Bloodline by Conn Iggulden).


I'm looking forward to another great year of reading in 2017! 

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