Well this was a nice look into Peter and Nightingale that for once did not involve The Faceless Man or Lesley. There is still something hovering over this book though that makes me think they may be trying to turn or did turn another character to their side and that's getting a bit old to me. We do have Bev appearing in this one, but not center stage. We actually have Peter investigating mostly and worrying about his cousin Abigail who keeps pushing to learn magic.
"The Furthest Station" has Peter investigating when people start calling in about ghosts attacking them while traversing London's underground. Of course many of the people seem to forget what they report minutes/hours later. And though many people would dismiss it, Peter knows that ghosts are weird and starts looking into things with his cousin Abigail and Nightingale. We also have the character of Jaget Kumar in this one who is there to call Peter when anything weird AKA a Folly matter is brought into his purview. There's a side plot about another river god (seriously how many river gods and goddesses are there?) that just tacked onto me which is why I gave this four stars.
Peter seems more centered in this one and self-assured. He knows what he is doing and I love his "voice" in these books. He is always thinking of how to make things better and keep people from harm. Why he is so worried about Abigail becoming involved with magic. I also loved his thoughts about what happens after death. I do wish we had gotten some scenes with his parents. His mother is one of my favorite characters.
Nightingale shows up a lot more in this one which I was happy about.
The overall mystery was very intriguing and I loved the writing in this one. The flow tends to be up and down in these for me. Sometimes the book can be cooking along and others times I feel like I just read something that added nothing to the story. It just feels like Aaronovitch via Peter likes to flood readers with history, science, and pop culture every few sentences and I just want him to tell the story and get on with it.
I thought the ending was a bit sad (not for Peter) but for the realization behind what caused the ghosts and where do they go after.
One thing I have to say since this was a library book was that this was signed by Ben Aaronovitch! It had the number and let you know what print it was from too. I told myselt not to steal a library book and thought about just getting this series into my permanent collection.