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text 2014-11-03 03:24
4945 words and counting

Still writing on my NaNo Project.  So far so good.  Took me forever to update to NaNo's website tonight, but finally got through.


I'm probably going to continue plugging and chugging words on this project, just because I'm on a roll.  Also adding more to my novel playlist and tweaking the outline a bit to accommodate some progressive turns of the novel as I've been freewriting.


Hope everyone participating is doing well.  Keep up the good work, NaNo-ers.

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text 2014-11-01 16:52
Let's go NaNo!!!

Yeah, I'm late starting, but apart from writing a few book reviews today, I'm going to be writing mostly on this WIP.  I'm ready, let's do this! :)


Good luck to everyone participating in NaNo this year.  I'll be cheering you guys on and as usual providing updates of progress.  If you want to be buddies, my NaNo profile is here:




The title of my project is "Break Our Balance" but it might be subject to change.  I'll probably design a cover sometime next weekend because I want to focus mostly on writing this week.


So far I've written 500 words.  Not much, but I'm not counting my pre-writing I did before this point. I ended up tossing quite a bit of my first draft for this.

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text 2014-10-26 01:36
So this is on like Donkey Kong (yeah, that phrase has been used quite a bit...)

I decided after much internal debate that I'm going to do NaNoWriMo this year. It's pretty much going to be that NA parody with a Twin Peaks vibe that I mentioned I wanted to do the end of last year.

The book's already outlined so most of my work is already done for me. Now I just have to write it. If I finish early, then I'll do final edits for my other WIP so I can release it in Jan/Feb. Fingers crossed.

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text 2014-10-19 09:13
Because when I get mad, I write poetry

N.B. This is a poem I started a while back ago in my head and somewhat translated in fragments to paper.  Most of it was regarding my frustration in general with how authors were treating reviewers as target practice/in unprofessional ways and also a measure which I told myself "If any author starts personally attacking me because of a critical review, I'm just going to post a poem response and let it speak for itself."  


Since the whole Kathleen Hale mess, I felt more prompted to just post something.  This may not be the final version of this poem, more like word vomit, but maybe you might get something from it.


Let Me Read

by Rose Summers


"Just let me read" - the only plea I'd ever ask

I'm dubious these days how long that peace will last.

I'd open a book to turn its fluttering pages

Or scroll through digital ink screens to keep up with the ages.

If it doesn't strike my fancy, I'd write a rant,

"No sir, no ma'am, with this story, I just can't."


But to some, this seems a verifiable offense

You say I'm wasting time at YOUR expense,

"Why'd you even read it?  You're just a hater!"

My hands raise to yield, no big debater -

No more books from you to me, see you later!


Yet then that option brings its own curse

"How can you hate on books you've never read? You're the WORST!"

I throw up my palms, thinking I can't win

To these assumptions, I don't know where to begin.


"Just let me read" - let me read in peace

Reading brings forth it's own measure of release

Like or hate, I still like to relate

My thoughts and ideas to minds who can't wait

Because no two people have the same interpretations,

That's one reason why we share, to further our relations

Over things that don't sit with us quite right,

Or gush over things that keep us up half the night.


"Just let me read" - reading places its own seed.

Somehow I'm vaguely aware that you have mouths to feed.

But it's the same for me, this is time and money I'm taking

Over matters that I think are well worth debating.

If I feel offended by portrayals that are problematic

Why should I hold my tongue and allow them to stay static?


I really don't believe in false bliss,

Don't even believe in projecting an empty diss.

So before you come at me with flying fists,

Maybe you should really listen to this.


I write critical opinions

Doesn't make me lurk the devil's dominions

If I somehow think that the book you've written

Doesn't leave my heart completely smitten.


With a crummy experience, I sometimes harp-

Yes, my words, like bees, can sting quite sharp

But this isn't to you or even about you

It's about the experience you're taking me through.


If it's a measure that I don't want to touch,

Then at the very least, I should think I could say as much,

But no, this experience is all about you

Your interpretations, your relations, your exacerbations

That my criticisms, to you, are like lacerations.


Why show up at my door

Telling me my comprehension is poor?

That's not what giving any opinion is for,

You demand me to give you more.

That I should bow at your behest.

Here I'm thinking, surely you jest.

That I should praise you for just showing up

When my frustrations fill to the lip of a cup.


"Just let me read" - is it so wrong

That I feel the need to say what doesn't belong?

That I don't like the way something is said

A lack of motivation has me seeing red?

Or maybe a favorite character is left for dead?

Should it really matter that what I've read

Is different from the vision you had in your head?

I'm just one mind

How is that a threat to find?


"Just let me read" - I'm no such bully

With projected motivations you place on me fully.

That I'm a failed writer (Haven't even really tried...)

That I'm just jealous (if I refute, you'd say I'd lied!)

I'm not the reason for the tears you've shed

Or the reason you lie awake in your bed

Waiting for praises I've never thought to say

Reading experiences just don't work that way.


"Just let me read" for myself

For goodness sake, I don't need your help

Knowing what to take from these words on a page

Watching these players dance on the projected stage.

If something, in my words, doesn't belong

Is taking the consideration to fix it so wrong?

It shouldn't be taken as pointing out what's weak

Or belittling my person when I choose to speak

In a crowd of faces that pipe the praise,

A lone beacon that shines through the haze.


Don't shame me for my open mind,

To voice upon things that I tend to find.

It's not that I should like see you bleed.

For everything in it all, I just want to read.

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text 2014-07-12 01:13
Current Reads, Book Splurge and NaNo progress (Oh My!)
The Dark World - Cara Lynn Shultz
Lies We Tell Ourselves - Robin Talley
The Summer My Life Began - Shannon Greenland
The Bodies We Wear - Jeyn Roberts
Carnival - K.B. Nelson
The Phantom of Fifth Avenue: The Mysterious Life and Scandalous Death of Heiress Huguette Clark - Meryl Gordon

Went to my campus bookstore today perusing books and bought a few hard copies of books - one of which is a new copy of William Gibson's "Neuromancer"  (believe it or not, all the times I've read it, I've checked it from my local library).  I didn't have as much time to browse as I wanted, but I'm going to a flea market sale tomorrow and probably going to check out the .25 - $1 book sales they're having there.  Maybe I might get a good haul.  Not sure yet, but I feel like I need to splurge because the last few reads I've had....yeah.  I need book therapy/good reads stat, so I'm trying to stick with finishing books that I'm enjoying or have enjoyed from what I've perused so far.


If I get a big book haul, I'll post a few pictures for you guys to peruse tomorrow sometime.


Hovering at about 24K on my NaNo project rewrite so far.  I've posted 7 chapters (including a prologue) of "The Dark Jumper" on Wattpad.  Still working on a cover for it. >___<  I'm hoping to catch up this weekend on writing this narrative more and who knows, I might make headway into reaching my target wordcount for the month (55K - 60K).


Trying to catch up on my ARC queue still, got a few new approvals from NetGalley (for 3 months, unless it's a book I've been waiting on, I'm not requesting any more ARCs. That's true for my blog too, at least until I get caught up with my current pending requests.  And I'm behind on blogging too because of day job and family stuff, so I have to get my mojo back. =P)


So I'm still a busy bee, but I'm around.  =)




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