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review 2017-08-28 17:27
Cute story for a tween
The Red Necklace - Sally Gardner

A mix of adventure and paranormal set around the French Revolution, with teen protagonists and mustache twirling style baddies. I wished the girl would had fought back some more, but her quiet courage and composure made up for it.


The book is big on self-acceptance too, with most characters having some attribute making them different from the norm.

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text 2017-08-23 01:42
Reading progress update: I've read 240 out of 416 pages.
The Red Necklace - Sally Gardner

Listening to this because I've become obsessed with Hiddleston's voice. It is not the first time it happens. I actually listened to the Host after having cried off of Meyer just because it was narrated by Kate Reading, who's declamation of Goblin Market was eargasmic. Oh, and I stayed with WoT for longer than I thought I could on the audiobooks alone too.


It's an entertaining YA so far, but I can't get past the blond chick on the cover. The heroine has DARK hair, which is mentioned A LOT.

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review 2016-08-05 12:16
BOOK REVIEW: Tinder by Sally Gardner
Tinder - Sally Gardner

I’d been in battle since dawn. Like my comrades, I’d fought for all I was worth, though I knew ours was a hopeless cause. About me lay the dead and the dying, their blood – our blood – made the carpet of leaves more crimson than autumn had intended.


Tinder is one of those slightly eerie, engrossing tales. You know right from the start that no matter how much things are looking up for a protagonist throughout the story, something is coming that will flip it all upside-down, because these stories hold darkness.

This is an atmospherically illustrated fairy tale along the lines of works by Emily Carroll, and inspired by a Hans Christian Andersen story… from the days when fairy tales were more likely to inspire nightmares than to chase them away.

The rest of this review (complete with pictures) can be found HERE!

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review 2016-04-19 00:34
Tinder - Sally Gardner,David Roberts

Inizio: 16 aprile
Finito: 19 aprile


Voto: 5/5


Consigliato: Si


Ho aspettato così tanto per questo libro che non sapevo se avere aspettative immense o rassegnarmi a un libretto senza capo ne coda (come me ne capitano spesso tra le mani... purtroppo)
L'ho iniziato quindi emozionata e titubante, pronta ad aspettarmi una brutta sorpresa che per fortuna non è arrivata... il libro è davvero carino e ben scritto, la storia seppur breve è interessante e ad arricchire ulteriormente il tutto ci pensano le illustrazioni davvero meravigliose *_* un libro consigliatissimo, con un racconto ricco di significato e molto scorrevole. Consigliato sicuramente in formato cartaceo dove le immagini sicuramente rendono più che su ebook

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review 2015-04-10 10:40
Zerbrochener Mond
Zerbrochener Mond by Gardner, Sally (2014) Gebundene Ausgabe - Sally Gardner

Inhalt: Was wäre, wenn der zweite Weltkrieg anders ausgegangen wäre? Wenn ein grausames, totalitäres Regime die Weltherrschaft an sich reißen wollte? Würden wir brav unser armseliges Leben in Zone 7 leben, bei den Ratten und Fliegen, in ständiger Angst vor den Ledermantelmännern? Würden wir vor der Fahne des Mutterlands strammstehen, wie die Musterschüler mit ihren langen Hosen und ordentlich gebundenen Schlipsen? Oder würden wir wie Standish Treadwell, der Junge mit den verschiedenfarbigen Augen, unseren ganz eigenen Weg gehen?


Meine Meinung: Ich hab an dem Buch eigentlich wenig auszusetzen. Das einzige, was ich zu bemängeln hätte, wäre das noch unausgeschöpfte Potential. Die Story hat schöne Ansätze (wie beispielsweise die Traumwelt des Protagonisten), die man aber ruhig hätte ausbauen können.

Mir hat die Geschichte trotzdem nicht so zugesagt, weil ich generell Kriegs- und Nachkriegssettings nicht mag. Ich werde, wenn ich sowas  lese, immer traurig ... außerdem wird in diesem Werk die ein oder andere Grausamkeit beschrieben, die mich erschrocken das Buch hat zuschlagen lassen. Ich hab für sowas einfach keinen Magen. Ansonsten aber: vom Schreibstil, von der Idee, vom Verlauf der Geschichte durchaus zu empfehlen.

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