Sins of the Lost by Linda Poitevin
Series: Grigori Legacy #3
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published by Penguin Group on October 15, 2013
Format: eARC
Pages: 360
Source: NetGalley
Amazon • Barnes & Noble
My Initial Thoughts: An action packed and emotional read that I’m still recovering from…best in the series so far! Also, I apologize in advance for any rambling that may ensure during this review…
The battle between Heaven and Hell continues in an epic showdown towards Armageddon in the Grigori Legacy’s third installment, Sins of the Lost. Detective Alex Jarvis is just starting to recover from the traumatic events she experienced at the hands of Lucifer, when she learns of his plans to breed the perfect soldier to lead his Fallen army using his own DNA and that of the Nephilim. With the fate of the human race falling into the hands of the man she loves, Alex must make the ultimate sacrifice and betray Seth by working with Aramael, her long lost archangel soulmate, all in order to stop an impending apocalypse.
To say that this book is an emotional roller coaster is an understatement, Ms. Poitevin ripped my heart out, left me for dead and then stitched everything back together, bringing me back to life only to do it again…is more like it! The stakes are higher than ever for our beloved heroine Alex and each of the character’s actions play an important role in the outcome of the story. Sins of the Lost is a gripping read with multi-faceted characters in a beautifully tragic world – dark urban fantasy at its finest!
Alex is a powerful heroine who I didn’t really appreciate until this book. I love a strong heroine who can kick butt and stand up for herself, but the one that’s willing to sacrifice it all for the greater good while maintaining a pure heart just sets her apart from the rest and that’s what Alex did for me in this installment. She’s willing to sacrifice her happiness time and time again without feeling sorry for herself, which makes you connect with her character on a deeper level.
I always felt the relationship between Alex and Seth was doomed from the start (at least in my mind it was) but she loves with such conviction you can’t help but put yourself in her shoes and feel every emotion she’s experiencing. Alex is trying her best to find a sense of normalcy in a world turned upside down by angels, fallen and not, but it seems destiny is hellbent on making that impossible. As if she doesn’t have enough with the looming threat of an apocalypse, the archangel Aramael who happens to be her old partner and soulmate comes back into her life in during this trying time. This sets the stage for plenty of soul searching and temptation. I could share more about the “love-triangle” and forbidden romances but I’d give away too much, less is definitely more this time, you’ll have to read to find out. The bottom line is Alex handles everything thrown at her in Sins of the Lost with great fortitude making her one of my favorite book heroines!
Any author that can bring me to tears has a special place in my heart and Linda Poitevin pulled on my heart strings with the most unexpected character, the fallen angel Lucifer. She throws every preconceived notion about the fallen angel out the window, making him vulnerable and sympathetic to the reader. His story broke my heart and had me reaching for the tissues, oh yeah…I should I have added a warning earlier…read with tissues on hand!
Sins of the Lost pulled every emotion from me at one point or another, it’s more than good vs. evil or Heaven and Hell, it’s about self sacrifice, love, loss and redemption. I love the perfect symmetry of light and dark infused in the world and characters of this beautifully written story. There were times when I thought my heart couldn’t take any more and a few times when I almost flung my ereader across the room, but the one constant was the ever-present suspense that kept me turning the pages in anticipation…I guess that makes me somewhat of a masochist? :)
My final thought: Sins of the Lost delivers stellar world building, phenomenal character development, warrior angels, forbidden romances full of raw emotion and an unprecedented ending that I’m still recovering from…but could you really expect anything less when you’re dealing with Heaven and Hell?!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.