I am hooked on Kristy Woodson Harvey’s southern charm. While reading I was actually hearing the characters with southern accents, picturing them in their houses with wraparound porches, and drinking sweet tea.
The Secret to Southern Charm is the second book in The Peachtree Bluff Series. I think that the books are better read in order. Book two starts off exactly where book one ended. The storyline continues with Ansley, Caroline, Sloane, and Emerson all back in Georgia together.
We learn about Sloane’s life as a military wife and the fears she had when she was first married. I saw Sloane’s strength when dealing with her husband’s MIA status, while she needed a little push to get out of her own head and back into the real world I could see her figuring out how to put one foot in front of the other getting back to living. She took care of her children, she painted again, and she found out what was missing of herself even before the MIA.
While this is mostly Sloane’s story the spotlight is shared with the rest of her family. I loved catching up with Ansley and her long ago love Jack, seeing Emerson and Mark being together, and watching Caroline figure out if James is who she is meant to be with. These are storylines that are not quite done. There is more in store for each of these characters.
I am excited for more of Peachtree Bluff series and the amazing Southern Charm.