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review 2018-01-01 05:25
M.F.K. (graphic novel) by Nilah Magruder
M.F.K.: Book One - Nilah Magruder

A tweet from Magruder saying that "it's asexual AF" put this on my radar. I took this to mean that there was an explicitly identified asexual character. Um... If there is, then it's not in this volume. I haven't read the webcomic, which includes a fourth chapter that wasn't published in this book, so maybe it's in that chapter? That said, those looking for romance-free graphic novels may want to check this out. (I sincerely hope that Magruder didn't think "romance-free" and "asexual" are the same thing.)

The story: Jaime and his grandfather find and injured girl named Abbie and her dying moa mount just as a sandstorm is starting. They take her back to the little town of Marigold (and kill the mount as a mercy) so Jaime's aunt can fix her up. The town has been repeatedly attacked by Parasai, people with special powers who take what they want and then leave. Abbie

ends up fighting back when a Parasai breaks her mom's urn - it turns out that Abbie is a Parasai too. Instead of asking her to stay and help protect the town, the mayor and the other townspeople drive her out. Jaime decides to go with her.

(spoiler show)

That's literally the whole volume. I've seen indications that this might just be the first volume of a series, and that could be the case if Magruder continues the webcomic and future chapters are published in a second volume, but there's nothing on this one physical volume to tell readers that it's just volume 1 of a larger story. It's a shame, because M.F.K. felt extremely skimpy on its own and wouldn't hold up well at all as a one-shot.

To be honest, I wasn't really impressed with this. First there was the disappointment of not getting the explicitly identified ace character that I expected, then there was the moa mount that I believe got another enthusiastic tweet, despite it dying almost immediately after it appeared. And the people of Marigold were idiots who seemed determined to doom their town to a slow and painful death.

Then there was Abbie herself (by the way, for those who are interested, Abbie wears a hearing aid, so there's explicit disability rep even if there isn't explicit ace rep). I have no clue, after reading this volume, what her goals were, or why she was traveling. Was she taking

her mother's ashes

(spoiler show)

to a particular place, or just aimlessly traveling with them? Although all the mysteries surrounding Abbie should have made me want to read more about her, I found that I was more interested in Jaime, who had a much clearer goal than Abbie (get out of dying Marigold and see the world).

I really wanted to love this, but instead I was just vaguely disappointed by it.


(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)

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review 2014-07-23 21:21
With a little help from my friends
Five Ghosts, Vol. 1: The Haunting of Fabian Gray - Frank J. Barbiere,Chris Mooneyham

This was a lucky find when I was browsing my library's graphic novel collection. I am a big ghost story fan, and I like the idea of a hero who has assumed the powers of different spirits. It's not quite what I thought, but it's still pretty good.

There's a pretty significant old school vibe to this book. I think the creators were going for a pulp vibe. The adventure and ready mix of supernatural elements. The energy is evident in the artwork. It's raw and somehow visceral. Using a lot of warm shades. The cover doesn't quite represent the color palette that dominates the book.

I really liked how Fabian Gray's spirit helpers are famous archetypes from fiction and literature, and how their abilities are harnessed and used by Fabian, although it comes with a price.

I can't give this the highest rating. While there was much I liked about it, it wasn't ground-breaking and it doesn't appeal to me in the execution as much as other graphic novels I'm reading. However, I think it will be interesting to pick this series up again and see what adventure are next for Mr. Gray.

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review 2014-03-03 14:17
Crazy was never so good!
Wakefield - Erin Callahan,Troy H. Gardner

*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks!


Teenagers Astrid Chalke and Max Fisher meet at Wakefield Residential and Educational Treatment Facility. Both orphaned and sent to the facility because of behavioral issues they feel they don’t belong. With residents who are severely disabled to those with more mild issues both Max and Astrid are assigned to the Newton wing. Eventually their paths cross and the two join their small circle of friends into one larger group. When Teddy claims he has special powers and that the staff are hiding something huge they at first dismiss his talk as paranoid. But as weird things happen and other things don’t add up, it’s time for Max and Astrid to trust their gut. They have to break out of Wakefield and take their friends with them. Before it’s too late.


This story is told from several POVs, but mostly from Astrid and Max’s. It really helps to get an overall view of Wakefield. The characters are really well-developed and the writing is excellent. I felt as if I was there with them and experiencing everything they were experiencing. The mystery surrounding the so-called powers was making me twitchy. I wanted to know what the hell was going on, but of course the info was parceled out as if by Scrooge himself. I so wanted to flip to the end, but resisted. Barely.  Yeah, I have no patience for a mystery to unfold on its own. I must know! LOL There are two reasons why this did not get a 5 out of me. The ending, while not an abrupt drop off is still a cliffhanger and I hate cliffhangers. Also, Max’s dreams were really strange and I couldn’t make heads nor tails of them. I know dreams are like that. I’ve had plenty of them myself, but I know his dreams are meant to be clues and I wasn’t picking up what was being put down. Know what I mean? Overall though this is an excellent read that I relinquished only when it was absolutely necessary.



Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2014/03/reading-addiction-blog-tour-wakefield.html
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review 2013-10-22 12:38
This Frozen World Warmed my Book Weary Heart
Frozen - 'Melissa de la Cruz', 'Michael Johnston'

With great trepidation I started another series. I am suffering from series drag. Several of my series have just gone past their shelf life and muddled into the dull zone. I blame these authors that drag a good thing till it's nothing but trash. When this came up for early review i declined it. Then is came to the library and I just wanted to read a few pages. Still I held it for a week before I picked it up.  Holy frozen world, I wish I had given it a shot earlier. The blurb on the book was terrible compared to the book.

The book started with a Vegas card dealer, Nat. She is looking to escape this world frozen under ice to a mystical utopia called The Blue. Her world is filled with starvation, cold, fear and death. She hides her true identity, she is one of the marked. The marked have special abilities, and are taken out of society and used or killed. The propaganda of the government has humans fearing them. One day a beautiful boy steps up to her table and  tries to con her but ends up changing her life.

Wes is an ex military, survivalist, con man and hired gun. He has a crew of men he is trying to keep alive. The dealer at the casino, saw his con and ended up coning him. He is intrigued when she wants to hire his crew to The Blue. This girl attracts him, there is something about her. She is money which is survival, he take the job.

The world is frozen, the greenery is gone, life is held in sealed pockets for the wealthy to enjoy. Pirates, Smugglers, Slavers, and Flesh sellers run the outskirts. The inner cities are run by a totalitarian militant government. The Seas are black poisons, with floating islands or trash. Food and clean water are rare.

The journey is dangerous, deadly and bleak. The crew faces death and themselves. There are discoveries of new life, misunderstandings and even some hope. The world is not what the government has drilled into their heads the real world is a complex and beautiful place even with the destruction around them. 

This had all the right levels of intrigue, romance, action, horror, adventure to keep me reading through the night. I even talked about it to my friends, family and some poor guy at the coffee shop who probably though I was crazy. It was just so 'cool' and there was so much to share as it related to our world. My nerd loving light is flaring, it lightly reminded me of a Star Trek movie.


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review 2013-10-12 15:59
Heart of Danger- Ghost Ops #1- by Lisa Marie Rice
Heart of Danger - Lisa Marie Rice

This new series In My Opinion is a winner.  Mat is the alpha hero with the scarred face and sole, brooding eyes and heart. Catherine is the specially gifted scientist that could be the perfect person to make a huge difference in Mat's life in so many ways.


The Ghost ops are divided and scattered.  Some are hiding away in a mountain.  Rice has created such an imaginative community with all the bells and whistles anyone could hope for, for these hideaways.  The rest of the special Ghost Ops unit are either dead or betrayingly soaking up the sun on an island...or not.


The villian is a very twisted Lee, with plans for power and military perfection. He lives and continues his evil thoughts which include Dr. Catherine Young...once she is found, at the end of the book.


The supporting characters who will very probably have a book of their own in the future are also extemely hot and intelligent.  Just the right amount of angst, passion and plot building. There was  touch too much pensive thought on Catherine's part that goes no where and really isn't needed. Do I really care why her school friends all wore glasses? For that reason this isn't the five star that I wanted to give


.  A wonderful read for those who like contemporary military style suspense.

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