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photo 2017-02-19 18:00

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I’m excited to announce that the second Tears of Crimson Book, Immortal Embrace has been nominated for a Kindle Scout Campaign. I need your support to help the Kindle Scout editors choose it for publication.   For the next thirty days, readers will vote and help decide if Tears of Crimson becomes part of Kindle Press.  How can you help?  By voting, and sharing with the links provided here.

When you nominate Immortal embrace, you’ll have the opportunity to receive this book free, IF it is chosen by Kindle Press.  That means you’ll get the book before it is sold, and have all the insider information!  

By sharing this post, you’ll help other readers vote, and increase the chances of you getting the book free if Kindle Press chooses to publish.  Thank you for supporting my campaign! If you'd like to reblog this, I've made it easy. Visit this link: HTML And Blog Post



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Cover Design by Rachel Mizer of Shoutlines Design

He was the only hope I had in a lifetime of suffering.  Gabriel, my angel, and salvation.  Only in dreams did he come to me, pulling me into a world of peace that I couldn’t find in the real world.  He sheltered my soul in his arms and I never wanted to leave our fantasy.  Without him I was nothing.  My heart ached for this dream to be real.

She was the light in the darkness, an innocent that I could never blemish.  My beautiful Shanna, with a heart so pure it reminded me of who I once was.  My soul was tainted, body cursed, cast down from the heavens to become a creature of eternal night.  How could I allow her to walk in my world when everything I was would destroy her?

Some promises were meant to last forever, but at what cost?   Two souls lost in torment will discover what they could never control.  Destiny.  Will either of them survive the Immortal Embrace?

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photo 2015-03-30 15:17
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photo 2015-03-07 11:26
Harrison, Thea - Beruehrung der Dunkelheit

Das Fantasy Genre hat mich wieder - Thea Harrison "Elder Races"

Der Tag hat zu wenig Stunden oder die Arbeit belegt zu viele Stunden, denn eigentlich würde ich gerne weiterlesen.

Wer mich kennt, weiss, dass ich ein riesiger Fan - wirklich großer Fan - von Nalini Singhs Psy/Changelings Serie bin. Da war es fast unvermeidlich bei Thea Harrisons "Elder Races" Serie hängen zu bleiben.
Als ich mit meinen Freundinnen die erste Inhaltsangabe gelesen hatten, glaubten wir noch an eine gemeine Raubkopie zu den Gestaltwandlern. Dennoch haben wir uns den ersten Band reingezogen, erkannten einige Parallelen, aber trotzdem war die Geschichte und die Welt einzigartig.

Die Kurzgeschichtensammlung "Berührung der Dunkelheit" lag schon sehr lange auf meinem Kindle. Ich bin nicht gerade ein großer Fan von Kurzgeschichten. Doch bei Serien sind sie manchmal sehr wichtig und ich möchte sie auch nicht verpassen. Also habe ich mich in den letzten Tagen den vier + einer Kurzgeschichten (Nachtschwingen) gewidmet.

Die fünf Geschichten haben mich gut unterhalten. Ein paar Randfiguren konnten sich gut in Szene setzen und einige Hauptfiguren wie zB Khallil - den ich besonders ins Herz geschlossen habe, kreuzen kurz unseren Leseweg.
Man sollte die ersten fünf Bände schon kennen, um richtig Freude an dem Buch zu haben.
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photo 2015-02-20 21:30

Arrived from Piatkus today. I love the cover and I want to read to book now but I have other books more urgent to read...*sigh*


Edit: Turned the pic so now it's notlying down...thought that it was just my Ipad/Iphone that showes the pic wrong when I upload a pic from them...but I was apparently wrong...lol

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photo 2014-02-11 22:15

See http://www.dailydot.com/fandom/vampire-diaries-lj-smith-kindle-fanfiction/ for the article.

Source: www.dailydot.com/fandom/vampire-diaries-lj-smith-kindle-fanfiction
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