As one of the participants/correspondents in the below conversation, I do give my permission to post the following screenshots.
Final answer Amazon live chat gave = "no" Amazon isn't giving authors your contact info:

Why I asked? An author claiming otherwise over on goodreads here. (I know, consider the source...)
I'm addressed during the chat as if my husband "Charles" because I chatted from our shared household kindle account. By" host" the chat is referring to authors or others who are hosting/doing an Amazon giveaway.
I suspect the very polite CSR was seeing some FAQ type of information popup in response to keywords/phrases in my questions, hence my being asked if I was an author trying to do a giveaway or claim my author profile. A sneaky strange little part of my brain is paranoid enough to wonder if authors got different answers than customers -- but, even I don't seriously believe Amazon would give out customer details to anyone hosting a giveaway. Or that the blogosphere wouldn't be full of screaming winners if that had happened. I would more reasonably suspect that maybe a list of Twitter handles who entered/won or something not connected to Amazon's customer details might, though.
Read for yourself -- the chat in full (boy could I have clipped a few bits and made it sound completely differently or ended without getting additional clarification ... but I did just want the question answered) :

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