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review 2020-06-09 03:54
Artemis is an adolescent crime genius
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer

Artemis is 12 yr old and want to kidnap a fairy for ransom. 


Holly is a fairy, equip with powered-wings for patrol. There are mud people (humans) who live in the above world. 


It is just by chance that Holly met Artemis and was captured for ransom. Artemis want fairy gold to re-start the family empire. His father is missing and his mother is fallen to madness. There is no telling what's going through his mind. Artemis was aided by loyal body guard Butler and his sister. 


Once the readers get past there is fairy and magic in the below world, the story goes like a die-hard movie, with master mind villain having hostage for ransom, and the team of fairy who want to save the hostage and punished the villain. 


It is hard to make a 12 yr old a villain. No wonder this series is so popular. It is a fun read and the story move very fast with both sides taking actions and it seems wild and fun.


Might read the next one. It is pretty good. 


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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-04-01 15:11
A Good Installment in the Series
The Opal Deception - Eoin Colfer


Like the previous books in this series, this installment takes the reader on a wild ride. Of course, the name of the book is a dead giveaway when it comes to the plot.


But the rest is an action-packed blur where Artemis — a boy thief with a girl’s name — learns to accept that he has friends who might need his help — regardless of his previously mercenary leanings.


There is humor and there are lessons to be learned along the way.


The next book in the series is calling my name.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-01-05 22:15
December 2018 — A Wrap-Up



After I had done the yearly overview, I realized I had yet to review the books I read in December. Granted, not much reading was done, but here they are:

42392437 These comics aren’t anything out of the ordinary but I do love the colorful graphics in them. Plus, people are being taken over by plants, and there is a conspiracy to be uncovered. All of this is happening in a post-apocalyptic setting. So, I am sticking to the series for now.




I really wanted to love this one. I’m even collecting all the books in the series. But with all the amazing UF novels that I’ve already read, this one paled in comparison. Even if there hadn’t been so many issues with the characters like the protagonist was supposed to be a witch. But all she did was mess up and whine. Then there was her partner, a vampire. She was supposed to be on a no-blood diet. However, every time the protag even breathed, the vamp would be on her throat. They were aided by a pixie whom they treated like dirt even when he regularly risked his life for them. Finally, a new character was introduced in a highly suspect manner who made the worst decision ever. But the protag just went and trusted him.


Aside from those issues, the plot wasn’t making much sense either. I will be reading the next one in the series to see if things get better though.



I’m still in the process of collecting all the books from this series. Just got this one last month and was going over it all excited. Suddenly, I found myself flipping its pages. Within no time, I had read the whole book! That is the magic of the Lemony Snicket books. They are funny but profound, and perfect reads for kids and adults alike. 
I do have a kind of project in mind for this series. Let’s see when I can make it happen!



The first time I came across this series was a long time ago. From the joke cracked in it about teenage vampires (can’t recall if they were of the sparkly variety or not), I was sold. While I am still collecting all the books in this series. I thought it was time that I started reading the ones I had managed to snag. This is the second book in the series and it didn’t disappoint. Fowl is still his serious precocious but brilliant self and you know my love for Flavia. Butler can still kick ass and will do anything to keep his charge safe. I am also becoming fond of the fairy characters, including the butt-flap-opening farting Mulch. Will keep devouring book after book now that I have begun!




I couldn’t make myself wait, so I started this one almost immediately. We begin to see changes in Fowl’s personality. The kid who has always been smarter than other kids his own age has spent his life being alienated. Now, he realizes the importance of friendship and connecting with others, even his parents! 


Holly is a strong female character who doesn’t shy away from danger, speaking her mind, or doing the right thing.

I was sad when I thought Butler would be out of commission now that he had aged 15 years. But he isn’t going to give up without a fight, is he? Typical Butler!


Root and Foaly bicker all the time, but they are fun to read about. 

P.S. I don’t think I can stop reading these books until I have read em all now.


This was what I read in December. How did you do?

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review 2018-11-24 21:47
Sequels sind auch nur ein Abklatsch
Artemis Fowl. Die Verschwörung - Eoin Colfer

Oder eben nicht. 

Reihen sind ja immer so eine Sache. Gefallen einem die Einsteigermodelle, so ist die Erwartungshaltung selten zu erfüllen. Gefällt einem der erste Band nicht, so kommt es wohl eher sporadisch dazu, dass man weitere liest. 

Aber Artemis Fowl - Die Verschwörung hat mich nun wirklich überrascht. Der erste Teil war für mich zwar unterhaltsam, aber hat mich auch nicht so richtig mitgerissen. Ich dachte, dass liegt daran, dass ich aus dem Alter für solche Bücher bin. (Es war ein tragischer, melancholischer Midlifecrisis-Moment...)

Wahrscheinlich hätte ich den zweiten Band gar nicht gelesen, läge er nicht auf meinem schändlichen Stapel der ungelesenen Bücher. Doch da ich gewillt bin diesen Stapel zu minimieren musste auch der zweite Band gelesen werden. Zum Glück.

Man kennt die Darsteller und die Umgebung, in der man sich befindet. Nicht verkehrt. Aber vor allem hat mir der Zusammenschluss von Artemis und den Elfen gefallen. Eine gute Sache. Man findet Witz, feinen (irisch/englischen) Humor und eine kurzweilige, gute Geschichte. Die tatsächlich auch Lust macht, den dritten Teil zu lesen. Aus Gründen muss die ganze Sache ja auch erfolgreich gewesen sein. 

Also Artemis, ich bleibe dir treu. Denn der zweite Teil gefiel mir tatsächlich besser als der erste!

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text 2018-11-10 09:04
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer

#ArtemisFowl 1

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