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review 2019-02-05 08:30
A Sequel Much Better In A Duology!
Our Dark Duet - Victoria Schwab

Finales are never easy to write, especially when it comes to expectations for readers or fans. Our Dark Duet ends with a certain adrenaline beginning that races towards the middle and ends with an unexpected closure. Its the pinnacle choice of what must be and has to be to make this duology a read some thing different worth picking up.


Picks up months after the events in This Savage SongKate Harker is hunting monsters in Prosperity. She is fearless and deadly until a new different kind of monster appears that force her to return to the one place she escape from - VerityAugust Flynn is a Sunai hunting other monsters and has a role - to vanquish sinners, monster or even humans. But when the battle between the North and South of Verity is at a standstill still, the appearance of a new kind of monster is tipping the balance and it will take more than his violin to stop this Chaos Eater.


The sequel is so much better than the first - the pacing is fast, the delivery is better and it does not waste time into getting the chapters unfold of what's next in a direct way. I truly enjoy Our Dark Duet more than the first book. The ending perhaps is a choice I foresee that is inevitable and of course, there are great things involve. The character development is well crafted, as always. What I love most, is the interaction between the characters that is pretty much awesome. Overall - I love it better than before.

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review 2018-11-13 12:39
There Are Monsters... and There Are Monsters!
This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity) - Victoria Schwab

I am pretty much torn on this. There are things I like about This Savage Song, and there are some I don't. For instance, the world building isn't much impressive and although it has its own uniqueness, its not the kind that pulls the readers into the universe of Verity. There are other good points in this that I will point out.


Kate Harker is a Harker - a human living in a city filled with monsters. But a Harker is to be feared. A Harker controls one side of Verity with a shaky truce signed. August Flynn is a monster. He is the third Sunai of the Flynn that controls the other part of Verity. In the city of Verity, there are other monsters that lurks when the sun goes down. And the truce is about to be broken and war is imminent.


The beginning chapters feels like a Romeo and Juliet tale. A small introduction of Kate, why she is the way she is to prove herself to her father that she is a Harker and August, trying to fit in with the humans. When they meet, there is some thing exchange between them... until a Malchai attacks Kate that reveals some thing sinister is going on. The first act is slow and there are things I do not like how slow it can get. But after the third act itself, this is where it picks up well. It was towards the end that I thought this book ends as just one book but gave a reason why Our Dark Duet exist as the finale of the duology.


To me, this is probably the least like of the series. I actually didn't wanted to start reading Monsters of Verity for some months now but it did took me some time to finally pick this up and read... and took me one of the longest time to finish it. Its a different kind of approach from Victoria Schwab, one I felt she is trying some thing different. Although the creation of monsters is nothing unique, why I gave a four star rating is actually the second part of the book. It is how Victoria Schwab delivers the way she always does.

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