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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-12-08 22:18
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Divergent (Divergent Series) - Veronica Roth

In a dystopian Chicago, cut off from the rest of the country, the people are divided into 5 factions depending on their most prominent trait, which is found out through a process of simulations when they're 16. But Tris's simulation is inconclusive, she's what's called divergent and urged to keep that her secret because, as she finds out later, divergents are being hunted and killed. Tris decides to leave her home faction, Abnegation (selflessness is their motto, governing their part in society), for the Dauntless (the brave ones who function as society's security forces within and without), and is soon immersed in a brutal battle for initiation because whoever fails ends up being factionless, without purpose, without means depending wholly on the goodwill of others, i.e. Abnegation. But it turns out initiation isn't the only thing Tris has to worry about. There is her romance with her instructor Four, and there's trouble on the horizon for the whole society as the Erudite (who seek knowledge, but apparently also ambition and power) start to question Abnegation's role. But mere words don't seem enough in that battle, and maybe being a divergent is more important than Tris thought.


Well, another trilogy about a dystopian future, another society on the brink of extinction thinking of ways to divide and control its people, another first-person account of a 16-year old girl who finds herself inadvertently being different, being a leader, and being the hope of her people. Sounds familiar?


Still, the story in itself is interesting enough with the initiation ritual, the whole mindset of the 5 factions (just think about the whole population being divided in just 5 groups... is there nothing more than friendship, candor, knowledge, selflessness and bravery in the world?) and the way it's determined in which section you belong - because apparently, a youth chooses his or her faction, and can choose any faction even if the simulation points to another. So what's the point of the simulation before the choosing-ceremony? And what exactly is brave about attacking your opponents in their sleep or trying to kill them? The factions are meant to reduce crime, but apparently that only goes for inter-factional crime, because what happens within a faction stays within, and the rules for getting rid of opponents seem pretty flexible. That's one point that wasn't really fleshed out all that well.


As is the case with Four: He's Tris's instructor, and becomes her protector, so that she falls in love with him isn't that much of a leap. But what exactly makes him fall for her? He says it's because she's brave... well, but that's the character trait of all dauntless, isn't it?


Overall, the characters, except for maybe Tris herself, remain rather bland and 2-dimensional, so I'm not too invested in them. The novel itself is well written, the plot reasonably interesting (even though it could have used some tightening up in the middle), but I'm not sure if that's enough for me to pick up the other parts soon. I just have the feeling I've read it all already; there simply is a distinct lack of originality beyond the dystopian vision and of characterization which keeps me from yearning for more.

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review 2014-06-21 16:05
Die Bestimmung
Divergent [ DIVERGENT ] by Roth, Veronica (Author) Feb-28-2012 [ Paperback ] - Veronica Roth

In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . . or it might destroy her. (epic reads)


Endlich hab ich es geschafft, das Buch zu lesen, nachdem der Hype komplett an mir vorbei gegangen ist, bis ich den Film-Trailer gesehen hab. Und jetzt musste ich gestern Abend schon dem Verlangen wiederstehen, mir direkt die beiden anderen Bände zu bestellen, nachdem mir eine Freundin total Angst gemacht hat. Ich glaube am Ende sterben alle. Ich hoffe mal nicht, aber bei ihr hat es sich so angehört :D

Tris sagt von sich selber, dass sie nicht hübsch ist und ich dachte schon: "Na toll, schon wieder so eine Bella, die sich selbst total hässlich findet, obwohl sie es gar nicht ist." Tris ist tatsächlich nicht hübsch. Sie ist nicht hässlich, sie sieht einfach nur normal aus. Faszinierend. Wirklich :)

Four ist alles andere als der Frauenheld/Sunnyboy/Quaterback/... der sonst immer in solchen Büchern rumschwirrt. Anstatt, dass alle Mädchen ihn anschmachten und sich an ihn ranschmeißen, haben alle, bis auf Tris, richtig Angst vor ihm. Er ist wirklich nicht besonder nett und Mitleid kennt er auch nicht so richtig. Aber dass sind die Hauptgründe, warum ich ihn mag. Er ist einfach kein Stereotyp.

Ich fand die "factions" sehr interessant und machmal musste ich an die Hogwarts-Häuser denken. Besonders Dauntless hat mich teilweise sehr an Slytherin erinnert, bzw. nicht Dauntless direkt, sondern eher die Leute und weil die "initiation" sehr brutal war.

Das Ende war erwartungsgemäß schockierend. Sehr.


Fazit:  Eine wirklich spannende Geschichte. Die Charaktere haben mir sehr gefallen, weil sie nicht die typischen Stereotypen sind. Und jetzt bin ich wirklich gespannt wie es weiter geht und was man noch alles über die Vergangenheit erfährt. Was es für einen Krieg gab, was außerhalb der Stadt liegt und was mit der Gesellschaft noch so alles passiert.


Ps: ich hatte keine Lust auf englisch zu schreiben

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review 2014-05-29 18:31
Review: Allegiant
Allegiant - Veronica Roth

ALLEGIANT brings Veronica Roth’s fantastic DIVERGENT trilogy to its conclusion. After the events and revelations of INSURGENT (review) Tris and her friends are left with a world thrown into chaos: everything they thought they knew was a lie. But it also offers them a world beyond the city they know, and Tris needs to know what’s out there.


I have a slight confession to make – I went into this book not just having heard the rumblings of disquiet from dissatisfied readers of this book, but also having accidentally spoilt myself. However, in spite of that I enjoyed this book and thought that Roth did a great job in brining the DIVERGENT trilogy to a close. Going into the book I was a bit nonplussed to discover that Roth had moved from a single narrator to two, but I really think it works – and it was interesting to see inside Tobias’s head. As ALLEGIANT concludes the trilogy, and I don’t want to spoil it for you if you’ve managed to avoid the spoilers, I am going to do my best to discuss this book without giving anything away.


The plot of the book is an interesting one, and just as twisty and turn-y as the previous two books in the series. I cannot say I was terribly surprised by the “new reality” Tris and her friends discovered, I had kind of half wondered about the possibility. However, I think Roth did a good job in fleshing out what we saw of this “new reality” – which wasn’t much – and I thought it seemed really realistic. The comment it makes about humanity could be quite accurate. As the blurb hints, this “new reality” isn’t all sunshine and roses, and Roth does a brilliant job of slowly unfolding the plot and leading us towards the book – and series – conclusion.


As I’ve already mentioned, before I started the book I was dubious about having two narrators – why were we suddenly getting a second voice? By adding Tobias’s voice Roth allowed herself the scope to explore the “new reality” more, as Tobias saw things that Tris didn’t. He also saw the “new reality” and its revelations in a different way than she does. This new second voice added a complexity to the story for me which I really enjoyed.


To my surprise, by the time I reached the final page of ALLEGIANT I found myself wholly engrossed and invested in the story. I really enjoyed the way events unfolded, and whilst I don’t think Roth added anything new to the dystopian genre I do think she did a brilliant job in bringing her trilogy to a conclusion. If you are a fan of dystopian fiction and haven’t read the DIVERGENT trilogy yet, then you are in for a treat. If you are a returning fan who hasn’t braved the final installment yet, then I wish you an exciting journey – I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Originally posted on The Flutterby Room.

Source: theflutterbyroom.com/2014/05/29/review-allegiant-by-veronica-roth
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review 2013-05-13 21:28
"Okay, noch EIN Kapitel!" - Und dann war es plötzlich Morgen ...
Divergent [ DIVERGENT ] by Roth, Veronica (Author) Feb-28-2012 [ Paperback ] - Veronica Roth

Inhalt: In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can’t have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself. (amazon)


Meine Meinung: Mir hat das Buch im Großen und Ganzen sehr gut gefallen. Es beinhaltet sehr viele nervenaufreibende Momente, baut auf einem spannenden Konzept auf und ist flüssig geschrieben, sodass die Seiten einfach nur dahinfliegen und man sich demnach recht rasch in das Geschehen einfindet. Natürlich kann man die Liebesgeschichte als etwas vohersehbar bezeichnen und mir persönlich wäre es auch lieber gewesen, wenn sie weniger offensichtlich eingeflochten worden wäre, aber dadurch, dass die Entwicklung der Beziehung gemäßigt und mit einem akzeptablen Tempo von statten geht, möchte ich da auch gar nicht groß rummosern. Auch wenn mir die Konfliktbewältigung am Ende ein wenig zu einfach ging (wobei es natürlich tragische Opfer gab), habe ich mich gut unterhalten gefühlt, richtig mitgefiebert, als sich Tris bei verschiedenen Tests beweisen musste und bin jetzt schon gespannt, was der zweite Band zu bieten haben wird.



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