Can a half demon, half pixie/holy warrior/unicorn/Father Earth/werewolf (Yeah. Don't ask.) not get just a little bit of peace and quiet? Just a little? I mean, Come ON People! She already saved the world. Twice, as a matter of fact, in the last couple of years. Can a girl not just enjoy her adopted Brownie son and her half-fallen angel boyfriend for a few bloody minutes before you all go messing things up? Again?
But nooooooo . . . You have to go gettin' all rowdy, joining a whacko cult, walking around like zombies (when you aren't rutting like bunnies) and generally messing up Caith’s life.
It seems a couple of Caith’s old enemies are up to no good again. Even if Uncle Lucifer did throw them into the very bowels of the deepest circle of Hell. Of course, if Uncle Dearest didn’t have his mind on the little demon spawn he planted in the brainless twit he just dumped on Caith’s front door, maybe she could have gotten things under control a little more easily?
Nah. No such luck.
That’s all bad enough. But when Caith’s little Bryony, Sam, and Jezzie are endangered? Well, here’s a clue. Don’t. Piss off. The niece of the Morningstar. That will get you just all kinds of pain.
Caith Morningstar is one kick-ass beotch. You would expect her to be, taking into consideration who her mother is, but while she may have set Chicago on fire (Once! It was Just Once!) and maybe started a war (or two), the influence of all five fathers makes her loyal, protective, and determined to keep Mouse Town, her family, and her friends, safe.
Ms. Celia has written another winner Urban Fantasy in “Made in Hell” I have no doubt you will love! Humor, pathos, love, hate - it's all here, and all written in that unique Celia Kyle style.
I received “Made in Hell” from the author in exchange for a realistic review. How Lucky am I?!?!