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text 2013-12-19 11:17
Thursday Candies: Publish a comment, Discussions stats, New themes

Who wants a candy? 


Candy #1 - publish a comment


OMG, is it a plane, is it a star? No, it’s Publish button in comment box! It’s really here, go and check and leave us a comment :-) 



Now you can use Enter to add new line and click Publish to add a comment under a post.


Candy #2 - discussion stats


We've opened discussion statistics. Now you can view who said what and where, and join new groups and discussions.


Entrance to your stats in on the main page of the Discussion Rooms - just click My Stats to see groups you’ve created, discussion you've taken part in and recent posts.



To view discussion stats of other members, click Discussion stats in discussion thread. You'll be moved to a discussion profile of that person.



You can also view all members of a given group. Go to Group Page and click Group Info to see other BookLikers who joined a given group. To see discussion stats click the avatar.




Candy #3 - new themes


New blog themes are available in BookLikes Theme Store! Parajunkee, our new designer, stays busy and makes two more templates available for your blogs: Notebook ($9) and Voodoo Princess ($19). 



To see all blog themes, click Customize in Settings/Blog and then Themes in upper left corner. To buy themes click buy and follow the instructions (PayPal account required). Read more here.

Eat sweets without guilt, enjoy and stay busy on BookLikes :-)

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review 2013-11-27 00:00
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most - Douglas Stone,Bruce Patton,Sheila Heen This book is best read in an audible format. It provides practical information and examples of how to approach and manage difficult conversations. We all have people in our lives that challenge our patience and our ability to effectively communicate. For that reason, this book is a yearly must read.
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review 2013-11-04 19:32
OFF-TOPIC: The Story of an Internet Revolt

I'm rating others' contributions to the book, not my own.

If resistance is futile, like I've been told over and over again by people who're bored or impatient with protest reviews and continued commentary against being surveilled by the site owners here, then what exactly is the point of this book?

Resistance isn't futile. The Borg can't be beaten by force, so hide among them and trip them up.

Demand transparency. Okay, they're going to collect data, which is fancy talk for watch your ever mouseclick and cursor twitch. Demand to know what they're doing with the data, and what data they're collecting, and what criteria they're using to evaluate that data.

Being a citizen makes demands of you. Shirking them because it's not fun or it's boring means nothing except you'll get what you deserve...less and less.


Your at-cost copy can be had <a href="
http://www.lulu.com/shop/gr-reader/off-topic-the-story-of-an-internet-revolt/ebook/product-21280970.html">here</a>. No one involved in the project sees any money whatsoever from your purchase.

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text 2013-10-31 11:50
NEW: Discussion Rooms Formatting Tips

Discussion Rooms are getting filled with book lovers :) And now we’re giving you extra option to make your discussion posts unique. You can edit your posts with basics HTML tags.


Let’s see what formatting is now available in your Discussion rooms:



The easiest way to add formatting is to copy/paste a given tag and insert your text/link between markers, e.g.: [b]I loved this book![/b] -> I loved this book!


We’re sure that after several posts, you’ll know them by heart :-)


And if you make a mistake or a typo, don’t worry. You can easily Edit your post and make all necessary corrections.


Another new feature is sticking discussions within a group. For the time being this option is available only for Administrators of a Group. If your are Group Admin and you notice that a given discussion receives bigger attention, bring it to the top. Enter the Discussion and click “Stick”. Then it will be first above other discussion in the group with special marker. 





It's Halloween today! Do you have any reading / writing plans for the evening? If not, we'll help you with spooky atmosphere.


Check out 20 horror books recommended by BookLikes book bloggers: Spooky Reads For Halloween - Horror Books That You Loved

  Boo! ;-)

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text 2013-10-20 23:33
Discussion Rooms - Create Groups and Book Clubs

We all know that book lovers love discussing books and sharing their reading experiences. We're opening discussion rooms on BookLikes where you can create reading groups, book clubs and set up discussions about books you enjoyed. 


This is the first version of groups, we'll be constantly improving and releasing new additional features so stay tuned :)


Discussion rooms are added on the top of the page next to Explore, Giveaways, Daily Deals, Goodies and Friends.


Creating group is easy, just fill up the form with name, image, description, rules and tags and hit Create at the bottom of the page.



You are the administrator of the group and it is you who is responsible for keeping your discussion rooms clean, safe and sound. 


As an administrator you can:

- set up and remove discussions and particular posts;

- block and unblock members from entering the discussion room;

- remove members from your group.


Please take a look at several rules mentioned on the "Create group" page. 


Each BookLikes member can join a given group, set up a discussion or enter existing discussions and add his/her posts.


As a creator of a discussion you can:

- add books to discussion topic; books will be visible in group overview and once you enter a given discussion;

- add your posts.


All information about a given group, its rules, tags and administrator are visible on Group info page.



You cannot add discussion topics or posts if you have not joined the group. But you can read the thread. 



We've also prepared several options for discussion notifications.


An administrator of the group has the following options: All (mail and notifications), notifications only or none for new members and new discussions. Options for administrator are available on Group info page.



An administrator and each member of a group can set up new posts notifications on particular discussion page. The notification option are visible just under the discussion topic on Discussion Page



So now get ready for discussion and book talks :-)


Discussion rooms presented today are in their first version and we'll be developing, improving and adding new features to them so stay tuned and let us know what you think :-)


 Here are several things that we will be working on in discussion rooms:

- private groups,

- discussion members' profiles and stats,

- adding books and links to posts in particular discussion,

- adding group moderators by administrator.



Now you can find books without covers on your Shelf and easily add missing book covers to make your shelf look better organized. Select sort by cover in table view of your Shelf and you'll see books with green covers - click on the cover and upload cover image.

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