This review is going to be a list of what I didn't like:
The book's name: not original!
That I could not relate to a single character:
I wanted to kick Cole. If he was supposed to come off as a character who behaves like an ass and yet readers would end up loving him, he didn't!
Kayne was an old veteran who kept thinking he was too old to fight and yet managed to do away with a group of soldiers. Truthfully, all his talk about having trouble when pissing turned me off right from the start. I did not warm up to him.
Jerek was an idiot who was there to... I have no idea what he was doing in the book and neither do I care.
Yllandris was a sorceress who thought all women were jealous of her because she was that beautiful. Reminded me of Melisandre from GoT. I didn't enjoy watching GoT and stopped after the first few episodes. Characters like hers are one of the many reasons I did that.Anything that I know from the later seasons is when my husband talks about the show or from the latest buzz on the internet.
The rest of them didn't even make this much of an impression.
It isn't even that I wanted to like the characters. After all, I love Jorg from Mark Lawrence's books and he isn't likeable at all. He is also full of himself but manages to make that work. Cole couldn't!
Almost 20% and I could find nothing original or something to look forward to as I read ahead. I have suffered through such books in the past (yeah, I mean Eragon) but no more.
Let us take a look at some of the things that bugged the heck outta me:
The gods were literally pulled down and thrown off their pedestals. If you want to read how amazingly this ploy can be used, read the Malazan Books of the Fallen.
There are Horse Lords and they are called Yahan. Need I explain this one?
Lackluster dialogues
P.S. I won't be rating this book because I never finished it. Needless to say that I won't be continuing with the series either.