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text 2015-12-30 19:42
Most Disappointing -- not necessarily the worst -- Highly (but undeservedly) Anticipated 2015 Reads
Shadow Scale - Rachel Hartman
Darkspell - Katharine Kerr
Magic Strikes - Ilona Andrews
By Jim Butcher: Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, Book 3) - -Roc-
The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires - Molly Harper
Staying Dead - Laura Anne Gilman

In no particular order and not necessarily bad/worst books but disappointing ones I had been anticipating reading.  (Yes, Molly Harper wrote books on my best, most disappointing, and worst lists.)

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text 2015-01-21 20:20
2014 Disappointing Reads

I know I'm late with this, but better late than never right? I was having computer issues and still am but I really wanted to post something today because I'm not doing a t5w today. So I'm doing this instead. 


2014 was a great reading year for me. I didn't read many...bad...books last year. My problem was that I read too many over hyped books. Over hyped books tend to always be a fail for me. I always end up not liking them. 


Without further ado, here are the books I wasn't a fan of!


1) Black City by Elizabeth Richards.

So I actually have a blog post on this so go check it out so read my thoughts. In short though, I wasn't a fan of the writing and I hated the characters. 


2) Divergent & Insurgent by Veronica Roth

I literally only read the first one because the movie was coming out. (Spoiler alert: I didn't like the movie either.) I thought Divergent was okay enough to read Insurgent but I won't be reading Allegiant. I don't like dystopians so that was my first mistake. The second was finding out the ending of the series, which I thought was pretty dumb. I also thought the books were boring and uneventful. Took me forever to read these two too. 


3) City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

Like everyone else, I think this series should have only been the first three. There really was no need to add three more books. Really. The plot to this book was overshadowed by the dumb romance. The characters got progressively whinier as the book went on. I thought I was reading a typical ya high school book....even though I guess I kind of was. 


4) The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey 

This book put me off alien books. I can't remember my problem with this book though, I read it literally a year ago. I think it was the overall feel to the book (and not to mention it had a dystopian theme as well) and I just wasn't a fan. I didn't like the jumping of p.o.v's either. That left me confused and I never knew who was who. The idea was good though, but I think it could have been executed better. I'm still on the fence about the second one. Though I heard a booktuber say it wasn't that great. Let me know if I should continue! 


5)Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

This is probably my most hated book ever. And I've read a lot of bad books. Sucks too because I loved The Hunger Games and Catching Fire when I read them in 2013. But this f***** OH MY GOD. When I first started reading it, I didn't understand why people didn't like it. Then a certain character died....and then another one died....and how it ended with that bull**** epilogue made me angry. Things happened that didn't need to and it was way tooooooo rushed. And dumb. 


6) The Warrior by Victoria Scott 

So don't let this be a reflection on the first two books of the series, but I absolutely loved them. The Dante Walker series is one of my absolute favorites. This one wasn't bad, it was just too fast paced. I felt like the ending was rushed and I had a lot of questions that weren't answered. Also, the characters kind of got annoying. Not to mention I shipped Annabelle and Kraven more than Charlie and Dante....I want a book just dedicated on the two of them. And about Max and Valerie. SIGH. I just wanted more with this book and I didn't get it. 


7) Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi 

This book was too hyped and it's also dystopian. 'Nuff said. I have a blog post on this book so go check it out if you're interested. I thought the book was boring and the writing was meh. The characters were cool though. I really liked Aria. Just not the actual book.


(There's a reoccurring theme here. Anyone guess what it is? It's so not obvious.


Anyway, that's it! I did read a few other books that weren't worth mentioning just because the books were great it was just that I always end up liking the guy the girl doesn't pick.....anyone else? Let me know what you think! If you agree or disagree with the list. Thanks for reading. :)

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review 2013-10-07 18:19
The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus, #1) - Rick Riordan

I am a HUGE fan of the Percy Jackson series, but this first book of it's spin-off, The Heroes Of Olympus, was a disappointment.


I liked some of the new characters (Leo) more than others (Jason), and while the story felt very much in line with the PJ world, the story just felt a little flat to me. Because I wasn't a fan of the main character, it was hard to root for him the way I did with Percy and his friends. And that made a huge difference in the enjoyment factor for me.


I kept picking this book up and then walking away from it for months at a time, something else I never would have done with any of the original PJ books. I am thankful that Percy is back in book 2, and because of that, I'm hoping this series bounces back from such a ho hum start.

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review 2013-10-07 18:07
The Cabin: Mia's Story - Natalie Stark

This was a rather blah short story.


The premise was intriguing, but the writing felt very...meh. Like the author had their thesaurus next to their computer and tried to use as many different descriptive words during the love scenes as possible. Most of which were not at all sexy.


Also, the 'taboo' aspect didn't really work for me. This was too short to have enough of a back story for me to buy the couple's relationship.


Color me disappointed in yet another attempt at erotic fiction.

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review 2013-10-02 21:14
Hyde (Hyde Book I) - Lauren Stewart

DNF @ 45%


I have heard a lot of great things about this series, but it just didn't work for me. I didn't feel any kind of connection to the characters at all. And the story moved quite slowly for my taste.

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