5 stars
I would go out into the street right now and scream at the top of my lungs that this book is awesome. I would. But writing it calmly on GR has much more chances of causing some kind of positive effect. Besides, I might have already done it on NYE. My memory fails me.
If I decided to organise the Kate Daniels books I've read so far (only three), based on their level of perfection, this book would probably be number one. Granted, I barely remember "Magic Bites" except for the cannibalism and Curran breaking a chair or whatever over the torture of his current mate. "Magic Burns" was awesomesauce. The action and mythology blew my mind. Tornado-style. But "Magic Strikes"! "Magic Strikes", people! It destroyed my panties AND my brain. It wrecked my poor feels. It was utterly devastating (in the best way possible).
Do you want a plot description?! I don't think so. Read da blurb! Right now I'm gonna rant.
The Midnight Games gave me the best fight scenes ever. I haven't been this involved in an action scene in God knows how long.
I was introduced to incredibly creative characters of unimaginable beauty, while others where hideously repulsive. Ilona Andrews couples her imagination with an extensive mythological research, and manages to keep introducing us to brand new creatures, weapons and fighting techniques. I am overwhelmed with fascination every single time.
Kate and Curran made tremendous progress! He is so goddamn delicious. Every description of him makes my mouth water. Andrews can make Curran eating a hamburger like a pig seem like a sexy thing. But oh... the hot tub scene!
Undoubtedly the funniest, sexiest and most gripping installment so far!
Whatever problems you may have with urban fantasy, Ilona Andrews' writing is fresh, compelling, amusing (I laughed like a maniac) and emotionally charged. Trust me, you'll want to meet this woman who doesn't hesitate in sacrificing herself to protect those she loves, who hides her emotional self behind her badassery, who arrives home every day battered and bruised, but having saved multiple lives. Kate Daniels is my favourite heroine. And I don't believe she can be beat.