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review 2017-10-02 07:03
Is that a bunch of tropes in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
Unshakeable Faith - Lisa Worrall
FOUR HEARTS--Come along with me won't you? Join me in the tropey goodness of Unshakable Faith.

Because I'm still huffing the fumes of this OTT treat. If I had to quickly describe this book (or should say experience), it's like a sexier Dreamspun Desires title on meth.

*stares at the fumes*

This was an experience of tomfoolery, unrealistic actions, hot sex, door slamming, jealousy, pounding, almost cheating, shattered hearts, a punch that saves all ills and the sweet cracky fluff.
And did I mention the sex?

Because the trip to Poundtown was so fruitful, it cured all woes.

Not mad at it all.

If you're looking for escapism, look no further. Not my first Lisa Worrall, so I knew ahead of time to expect some over the top-ness. Not disappointed.

It all starts on a fateful day in a San Antonio bar owned by secret rich boy (and humble) Brody Tyler. He's a gentle giant, 6'4" with a soft heart for those in need. Enter the most beautiful man with green eyes, Nash. Nash doesn't remember who he is, only knows he was attacked three months ago and his body is riddled with scars and a nurse named him Paul. But it doesn't feel right. What should the sweet bartender do? Why offer him a job and a room in his home, of course.

I see the eye rolls from here. ;P

Not Paul renames himself Nash. Amnesia Nash is so sweet. He is grateful for the help and befriends the bar workers including Wyatt, Brody's best friend and the best goddamned secondary character in this novel. (I'll get to Wyatt's awesomeness later). Brody is obviously attracted to Nash but tries to be a friend. It's Nash who makes a move after a few weeks in a hot possessive glory.

I was getting Calmesian feels at that point, all systems are a go.

What more could happen to mess with that fluff bubble?

A killer plot! Someone knows who Nash really is and wants him dead!

And the killer is sloppy (obviously since the first go round didn't work) and sloppily attempts to get Nash again.

So now Nash is in the hospital for a second time and now he remembers everything before the first incident but not the last six months.

And the real Nash? He's an asshole. I cursed not having the ability to reach through the book (I read along and listened to the audiobook) and smack the ever living shit out of Nash. Nash is a wealthy businessman with a heart made of coal. And he enjoyed himself.

I wondered how the author was going to pull these two men together with Nash not having any memory of being booed up and now having the jerk quality about him. Enter tropey plot device a la: bodyguard/ward twist. Brody haphazardly ends up being Nash's bodyguard (yes without having any experience or training) You just have to leave reality with me for this one.

Here, have a hot dog.

Have a few.

Asshole Nash + Fake Bodyguard Brody + Sloppy As Hell Murder Plot + Secrets = DRAMA!

There was enough drama for me, you and the entire world. Between the narrator's over-acting and this crazy ass plot, I was HIGHLY entertained!

I'm going to have to disagree, Tim Gunn. Yes, do that! Do that please!

It was like reading about teens at times. What with the emotions, tears, door slamming (seriously what was up with all the slamming of the doors?), brushes with death (so many...) and the weaksauce reason behind all the attempted murder, this book could go either way.

But it worked? Well for me anyway.

This was my first time listening to Sean Lenhart. The story is set in Texas and the narrator is clearly not from the South. I heard all East Coast even though he tried. It got to be distracting at first, then after reading the story while listening, I noticed there was an OTT-ness to it all. And Lenhart definitely did the thing with that. His crying, dramatic gasping and high emotion scenes sounded the same like the sex scenes. I laughed for all the wrong reasons. His Brody was great. His Nash? LOL wow. No, that accent was so bad it was good in a way. Overall, it fit the theme in a weird way. I rate the narration 3.75 Hearts. I'd give another book narrated by Lenhart a try.

Unshakeable Faith with all the crazy and cracky fluff, it got the job done. I looked forward to listening to the story. It was like a soap opera with all that it had going on. Is the story perfect? Far from it. There are plot holes scattered throughout, reality just doesn't exist here.

And then I reflect on the great moments: the mens' first time, the moment one of their heart shattered, the best punch scene that could've never happened... but I didn't know I needed until it happened.

Wyatt, Brody's BFF, does what I'm sure many readers of this book wanted to do. He's what a BFF stands for. He was Brody's conscience, always had his back and told it like it needed to be told.

I was here for Wyatt.

I am here for Brody and Nash. If this six year old book was a soap opera, I'd still be watching it to this minute.

Recommended if you don't mind fluff, cracky plots, sweetness, fluff and crazy.
Leave reality at the door.

A copy provided for an honest review.
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review 2017-04-13 06:08
NSFW-ish review of a funny erotica...menage?
From Top to Bottom - Kevin Klehr


Before Reading:




1 room, 3 tops and someone will be ENTERED



After Reading: It's all about the C's. Cum , Cocks and...Cakes?!


"You brought cake," I said. I tried not to let the look of horror show on my face.

"For afterward," Butch replied. "I baked it myself. Is there room in the fridge?"

Hadn't this guy heard of the definition of "eternity"? The time between you cum and they leave. Who ever heard of cake after sex?


Actual cakes.




Not an ass euphemism. Don't look at me like that, we both know you went there. ;) It's an erotica short, it's to be expected.


"But you're not thinking of topping him--you want him in your secret chamber."

"Secret chamber?"

"Man cave. Boy pussy. Man-gina. Lurve canal."


From Top to Bottom by Kevin Klehr was not what I expected it to be based on the blurb. I thought it was just going to be 3 cherries served on a platter. However it happened in this PWP, it was just going to happen.



Not so, totally not so.


Told from 1st POV in a British setting possibly(?), Tony is thirty, very close to his father (like they discuss their sex lives--his dad was actually my fave character--get to that later). Tony loves sex and isn't very discriminate. Plus, he's a bonafide top.


He gets told by a bottom, "it's just another way to feel cock". And Tony has a revelation. Why not try bottoming? So he places an ad online, "top curious about being a bottom, wants to meet likeminded tops." Two like-minded blokes respond: Butch, cake baking bear with a philosophical look on life and Ford, a top who has a boyfriend and just wants to get down to fucking.


I was in accord with Ford. Butch and Tony were very poetic, and the prose had a tendency to get purple-y.


I won't say who first pops their road to "nirvana", but the story gets straight down to sex.





While erotic, it also was quirky. There were so many slang for ass. Soooooooooo many. Some good, some weird as fuck like "chew my gremlin". I have to save that in my all time quotes. Some I haven't even heard before. And this is coming from a Dallas Sketchman fangirl (RIP).


Who wouldn't laugh at:


"My gremlin feels satisfied"




"My gremlin is hungry. My gremlin's been watching soap opera and wants to feel the leading man."


The leading man, of course being:





While chewing over the gremlin ass talk, the author ups the ante with a spoken word session on the joys of gay sex. And it's hosted at an honest to goodness orgy.


Here I am thinking it's just going to be quick one and done type of deal. But no ma'am, Tony and Butch pound their way through the flesh "playground". The sex was described in a joyous, ritualistic tone, where it was an ode more than erotic.


For the smutsters: rimming, felching, snowballing, double penetration was had. (pssst...someone fibbed about being a backdoor virgin)


The story was different. And while weird euphemisms get thrown in the mix, Tony's dad added more hilariousness. He's very upfront. Tony explores the pleasures of being topped.


As does his dad.






His dad goes into detail how much he shot after discovering his G-spot. Truthfully, my favorite scenes included Tony's dad from getting a colonic, to his pegging joy. I was fully there for Dad, despite the weirdness.


There was a message with this erotica. I think I know what the author was going for and I enjoyed that. The story was memorable more to me for the odd words and descriptions, not so much for the erotic bit. Which is the point of PWP for me.



The story ends at an odd place. Two of the original three tops form a friendship. A crush isn't returned. I wouldn't say it was faptastic. Weird and poetic mainly.


But hey at least there was cake?




Am I right?


A copy provided for an honest review.




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review 2017-04-13 05:55
Hot sci-fi erotica... oh how I enjoy F.I.S.T.S.
Murphy (F.I.S.T.S. Book 2) - Bey Deckard,Starr Waddell
A Double Tag Team Review with Ann!


"Well, well, well... What the fuck's got you so damn worked up, son?" he says, and flicks the head of my cock hard; I wince but manage not to make a sound. "Have you been a bad boy and touched something that doesn't belong to you? And don't you goddamn lie to me."

Excuse me as I melt. Murphy and Sarge could have melted my e-reader.

Established couples aren't my go to. I think it might be why I didn't rush to read this book. Because Murphy and Sarge's initial scenes are that special.

But I am so happy I finally got to it. This time around I listened on audiobook and read along to the second book in the F.I.S.T.S. series. It's months later after that last battle scene in Sarge. Murphy and his Sarge both go through some changes, moving up the ranks, more erotic D/s scenes.

Murphy and Sarge already had a connection, this book was a deeper exploration of their bond. It was hot. There were a tender moment here and there. But overall, the two are made for each other.

And did I mention hot?

"Will you look at the mess you've made of yourself? How long's your cock been drooling all over you?"
"All day, Sarge. Like you wanted."

Because it continued the scorch from book #1.

Someone is possessive and demanding. I'm all about that. And in between the molten D/s times, there was a little suspense added. The men are sent to a swampy alien world and everything is not how it seems. Murphy's synesthesia comes back into play in this story. I thought it added a nice touch.

A little action, a lot sexy and an easy read. The series left on a note with a possible revolution, or possible attack on the leaders? There's room for more in the series should the author pursue but the couple is definitely solid. I liked the narration in Murphy more. I agree with Ann, if you go the audiobook route, listen to them back to back. It helps and I finished it with a smile. So maybe the narrator is growing on me. His Sarge voice was still consistent, gruff and growly.

I definitely recommend this series if sci-fi erotica is your type of read.

A copy provided for an honest review.
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review 2017-03-15 07:16
For the fantasy lovers... aka me. ;P
The Shadow Mark (Lords of Davenia Book 2) - Mason Thomas
It's a unicorn gang review! Sara and Fantasy Living join the Mason Thomas reading party! (My 2 cents below):

3.75- 4 HEARTS
--I jumped at the chance to review The Shadow Mark without even reading the blurb. Why? Lord Mouse is one of my favorite reads last year (my review), and Mouse is hands down one of my fave characters written. What drew me in was the adventure, the fantasy based world Mason Thomas created, the snark and wit.

And of course, Mouse.

If you've read Lord Mouse first (it's not necessary, it can be read as a standalone), you know the snark is heavy. Mouse demands attention with his very being. He's just that type of personality.

That is not to be found in The Shadow Mark.

Auraq was a soldier with a lot of promise. Now he's living on edges of society due to being accused of murder. One night, his solitude is interrupted by a pair of small townsmen. The younger of the men, Kane has mysterious magical marks that attract the wrong attention, assassin attention. Upon a dying man's oath, Auraq ends up being Kane's protector and bodyguard while they try to search for answers to the mysterious marks.

It's a mostly fast paced adventure full of backstabbing characters, killers and fighting.

A captivating read from start to finish, though I'll have to say the second half outweighs the first half.

Where I find this author flourishes: action and suspense - Thomas is clearly a gamer and it shows. He knows how to set an action scene, make it impactful enough. I appreciate sword fights, especially well-written scenes. Thomas thinks out the swing, the lunges...it's great to read. Weaving a tale, keeping the suspense and action turned up high!

Where there is improvement: editing - Though I read an ARC, the tale in Shadow Mark is definitely more linear than Lord Mouse. Less time jumping which made a smoother read. Now as to a personal enjoyment, the fantasy is stepped up in Shadow Mark. The vocabulary read less modern compared to Lord Mouse (I don't mind either approach TBH)

Areas for improvement: The story is told mainly from Auraq POV, so his 'love' interest Kane and his attributes are told from Auraq. Auraq is tight-lipped and his 'romantic' feelings are definitely buried way, way, waaay deep. There wasn't much to go from since Kane was introduced as an annoyance and someone who was told to wait here and there, while Auraq took care of the grunt work. Kane could have been more even from Auraq's POV. He's introduced as young apprentice, didn't seem on much consequence. And he seemed like the means to an oath, not much a character with depth. Then the second half happened, where a romance sort of happens in between the mystery unfolds.

The romance is secondary in stories Thomas has presented so far. But I feel the initial reaction of Kane didn't wear off until way late. Just a glimpse or inkling more of Auraq's feelings would have made more of an impact for me. I'm fine with mere kisses, but the relationship goes from 0 to 100% and I'm still having difficulties buying it.

I live for tight-lipped heroes, especially ones that are not demonstrative. Auraq took that to an extreme. His protectiveness was palpable, it's what warmed me in the end. But the romance...it needed some work.

Readable? For sure.

But if you're a reader who needs sex in your romance or overly mushy displays, I wouldn't recommend The Shadow Mark. The novel is quieter than its predecessor, more of a tactical head game waiting to be played out.

The story and mystery are the main players, along with Auraq, the seemingly irredeemable criminal warrior with a heart of loyal gold. I loved the mystery, kinda guessed who was the culprit behind the treasonous crime. But how everything came together? That was fun.

Enjoyed the last chapter even more than the epilogue. Am I seeing a possible link between book #1 and #2's Lords? I really hope so.

Overall, great story stronger in all parts but romance than book #1. I'm definitely a fan of this series.

A copy provided for an honest review.
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review 2017-02-08 05:56
Jizzmas approved! ;D
The Fortune Cookie (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug) - Matt Burlingame
It's the spookiest time of the year...CHRISTMAS JIZZMAS time!!

A lot of readers are going to smother themselves in Christmas Jizz. Whelp at BMBR, we're reviewing Dreamspinner's Bah Humbug anthology - Grumps vs. Jizz Lovers (1 guess what team I'm on)

Here's my 2 cents:

4.25 Hearts--I feel!

Possibly the Jizzmas spirit? *squints*

This Santa jizz Grumpcorn was tickled by this adorably snarky story. I swallowed this load easily.

I think this year's anthology theme of Scrooges reigning supreme is great. (You can't tell me that the Scrooges don't reign) It's the only reason why I even looked at this year's Dreamspinner anthology. I felt one with this story's Scrooge, Laurence. He's 33, single and not a big fan of the Christmas commercialism. And if he shreds unwanted Christmas decorations from his office cubicle, so what? They shouldn't be invading his space. I feel he is misunderstood. He stood up to the Christmas cheery and their Christmas sugar, fought the good fight...maybe he might have been a little stern.

But he got his point across. *shrug*

Maybe too well, since he's been at it for years and this year an office mishap lands him in an office holiday planning committee. Mandatory or else. *gasp* And to make matters worse, the committee is being led by a Christmas loving ginger giant by the name of Nick Kringall. Nick tries to complete the impossible with Laurence on his team--throw a big party in a limited amount of time. The two men are forced to work together. During this short period of time Laurence thaws out, Nick seems a little otherworldly, is it a Jizzmas miracle?


Where this story wins is not the Jizzmas cheer, it's watching Laurence realize his flaws, grow as a person and open to let someone in. Also, Matt Burlingame, the author of this story has a fine hand at letting the story unfurl without letting it get lost to Christmas fluff and cheer. There was a speck of feels as there are mentions of past abuse - Trigger warning. There were also moments of cheese--hm, like Cheddar cubes--but it worked to make a well rounded story. And the romance was sweet not sticky. The laughs had a snarky tinge. Thoroughly enjoyed and will be looking for more MM romance from this author (it's his first time!)

On second thought, I don't think it's Jizzmas spirit I feel. I think it was a little indigestion. *burp* ;P

A copy provided for an honest review.
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