Genre: Environmentalism / Animals / Travel / Drama
Year Published:1966
Year Read: 2010
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company
“Farewell to Shady Glade” is another classic book from Bill Peet and it is about how a group of animals have to move away from Shady Glade in order to find a safer place to live when bulldozers came to tear down Shady Glade. “Farewell to Shady Glade” is a brilliant book about the trials of moving to a new place that children will surely love.
Bill Peet’s story about how a group of animals try to find a new place to live is truly touching as the animals try to believe in the hope of finding a new home and children will easily relate to the animals’ struggles of finding a new home as many children have experienced an experience where they have to move to a new home and how they have to adjust to the different atmosphere of their new home and how sometimes moving can be a scary experience for many children. Bill Peet’s illustrations are beautiful and cute especially of the images of the animals themselves as they are fat and furry and look so small compared to the outside world that they are thrown into as they move away from their home. The image that stood out the most was the image of the old raccoon looking like he is the biggest and wisest of all the animals as he has a look of wisdom on his face.
“Farewell to Shady Glade” is a heartwarming story about having a moving experience that many children will easily relate to for many years. I would recommend this book to children ages five and up since the length of this book might bore some smaller children.
Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog